A Peaceful Tragedy | Teen Ink

A Peaceful Tragedy

December 9, 2014
By Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

*tick tock* Time passes by. I am still stuck here at the traffic light, and I’m going to be late for my first day of my first job. As I wait, I admire the little things like the birds flying around landing on branches chirping ever so merrily as if there was not a problem in the world. I see the old couple laughing and holding hands as they sit at the bus stop waiting for its arrival. I see the young children laughing, running, and playing tag in the neighborhood park. I look around at all of the other people in the cars around me. They all seem mad, furious even, as if they don’t see the beauty in the world, like the big puffy clouds floating around the bright blue sky. Their faces looked as if it was a snow storm and they can’t see an inch in front of them. They seem as if they have never been happy a day in their lives. I hear one woman on her cell phone yell at someone on the other end. The light turns green and as we start to move forward, a car pulls out of the lane to go the opposite way and smashes into the woman who just moments before was on the phone screaming. She is now smashed through her window and lying on the ground in front of her car. Now we are stuck again, and I pull off the road so that I am not in the way of the cop cars and ambulance trucks as they zoom into action. The young woman lay lifelessly on the ground as the EMT’s work on her steadily. The man in the other car had only a cut on his forehead right above his left eye brow, but his car had a lot of damage and he had a lot of explaining to do on why he pulled out right into the side of the woman’s car causing her to be seriously injured. I look over and see the children still playing, birds still chirping, and the old couple still sitting at the bus stop as if there was nothing going on, as if no one was hurt. I suddenly hear one of the EMT’s say that they are losing the young woman. She is put into the back of the ambulance, they quickly escort her to the hospital, and her car is towed away and the other man is taken by the cops down to the station. As I finally make it to work my shift is almost over, I explain to my boss all that had happened today, and I apologize and head back home. As I drive by where the accident occurred, I see a cross and flowers on the side of the road in memory of the young woman. I see a stain of her blood on the pavement, and I pull over and pay my respects to the woman who was nearly killed at this very spot. I make my way home, take off my work clothes and my fancy earrings, and I place the earrings on the counter. As I move my hand away, I knock one of my ear rings down the drain. Upset, I go into the living room and turn on the television, and I turn the news channel. They are at the scene of the accident that had occurred earlier this morning. They announce that the woman had passed away before making it to the hospital and that the man would be going to jail for a few months for the murder of Jane Olson. 

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