Amnesia | Teen Ink


December 17, 2014
By The_Redstone_Sword BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
The_Redstone_Sword BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
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Beeping sounds all around me.
Just from the brightness behind my eyelids, I can tell that some sort of bright light is shining down on me. I open my eyes, only to see what I had predicted was correct. A bright light shines down on me, forcing me to cover my eyes with my arm.
"April! You're awake!" A female voice squeaks from the left side of me. "Troy! Wake up!"
I slowly remove my arm away from my eyes and look to my left to see the commotion. A female teen, about 16, shakes the other teen sitting in the chair. Her neon green hair wraps around her head as she shakes the guy.
The guy has black hair that is sticking out on all sides. Once he opens his eyes, you can tell he hasn't had a lot of sleep lately.
"What, Violet? I'm trying to sleep!" The guy swats at 'Violet' and hits her arm.
"Ow! That hurt! I guess you don't want to know that your girlfriend has woken up then." The girl, Violet, walks over to the foot of my bed and sits down on the bed.
"What?" The guy's, Troy's, head jerks up and he runs to the side of my bed. He takes my hand and squeezes it tight. When he loosens up, I pull my hand free and sit up, pulling my knees to my chest.
"I'm grateful for the nice welcome, but I have no clue who you two are. I'm sorry. The only things that I know are true is that I'm a girl and in a hospital." I watch their faces, awaiting reaction. Their faces fall, Troy's more than Violet’s.
"The doctor said this might happen." Violet says, sadly.
Troy looks at Violet. "What? What'd I miss? Why can't she remember me, us?"
Violet looks up at him, glassy eyed, then down at her hands. “I-Dr. Janiston said that there was a possibility-” Violet stops talking and takes a deep breath. “-that April would wake up with amnesia.” I raise an eyebrow and Troy drops to the floor, on his knees. 
“I have amnesia?” I ask, eyebrow still raised.
Troy looks up from his hands, anger and sadness covering his face. “She has amnesia? Why didn’t you tell me, Violet?”
Violet opens her mouth to speak, but a doctor walks in, interrupting her.
“Ah, April, you’re awake!” The doctor announces, circling my bed. “Now that you’re awake, you are free to go! All of your injuries have been mainly healed, so you’re clear!” He gently takes my arm and pulls the needle out of my skin, quickly wrapping it to stop the bleeding.
We all just stare at him as he goes happily along with his work. Finally, he notices we haven’t moved.
“What’s the matter? April’s awake and free to go! Aren’t you guys excited?” He asks, confused.
“Uh-Dr. Janiston, she has amnesia.” Violet sadly informs the doctor.
“Oh. I thought this would happen, and, apparently, it did.” Dr. Janiston looks down at his clipboard, then at me. “You can’t remember anything, besides the last few minutes, can you?”
I shake my head no.
“Huh,” He looks at Troy and Violet. “I guess you guys will just have to coax her memories into coming back.”
“Wait, she can have her memories back? Isn’t the point of amnesia to not remember? To forget?” Troy looks from Dr. Janiston to me and back.
“Yes, that’s what amnesia is, but it can the memories can be taught to the person again, enough so that they remember.” Dr. Janiston explains.
“Okay, so can she leave so that we can take her back to old places?” Violet asks, hope in her face.
“Yes, you can. Go ahead.” Dr. Janiston motions to the door and we all get up.
I start to stand up, then realize I’m in a hospital gown.
“Uh, did you guys happen to bring me some clothes?” I ask, feeling a breeze run through my gown.
Troy grabs a small bag and hands it to me. “Here. It’s got clothes and shoes in it.”
“Thanks.” I say, taking the bag. I go into the bathroom and change into the bag of clothes.
I look at the clothes and see they were mainly black, with a few logos on them. I shrug off the lack of color and put all the clothes, and pair of shoes, on.
Walking out of the bathroom, Troy and Violet’s eyes light up, probably seeing the ‘old’ me shining through.
“You guys ready? I need some fresh air.” I say, putting the bag on my shoulders and pointing towards the doors.
“Yup.” Violet and Troy say at the same time. They both stand up and I follow them out of the hospital.

It’s been 2 weeks and I can’t remember anything. Violet and Troy have both tried so hard to get my memories back, but it’s all failed.
Now, I’m sitting in what’s been said as my apartment, watching the TV. I click through the channels, trying to see if anything will jolt back my memories.
One show comes on and I stop, dropping the remote. I watch for a few seconds, confused as why I’m tranced.
Then it all comes back to me. My childhood, Violet, Troy, my life.
I can remember.

The author's comments:

Just a short story....

Topic: "What if you forgot who you were?"

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