A Year to Remeber | Teen Ink

A Year to Remeber

January 7, 2015
By Anonymous

  Scene 1

Gabby: No I don’t want to go!!
Reese: Why not? It will be fun.
Gabby: That Ivy chick is way too corny for me to handle. There is no way I am going to start this new year with her. Plus, Peyton is backed up on school  work from two months ago! She needs to get cracking on that!
Peyton:  Who really cares about grades and stuff anyway? Oh come on Gabby, its new years eve, you have to come!
Gabby: Well then give me a reason!
Peyton: It  will be so much fun!
Gabby: Yeah we can even bake cookies and sing songs!(sarcasm) A real reason!          Peyton:  Somedays I can’t even believe we are related.
Gabby: Let alone sisters.
Reese: It’s R birthday! You can go to a party at least once this year
Gabby: Don’t remind me. I am not proud to be your twin. I am just thankful that we are fraternal!
Resse: You don’t have to stay the whole night
Gabby: Fine I’ll go! But I get to leave when I want!
Reese: Okay well now we have to find something for you to wear Gabby. Come on!
Gabby: What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?
Reese: Have looked in the mirror lately I mean really? Let’s see (flipping through racks of clothes) What about this one?
Gabby: (Makes gagging noises and pretends to throw up)
Reese: Fine.  How about this one? (pulls out another dress)
Gabby: Even worse!
Reese:  Well its in your closet. You know you need to go shopping and update this trash can you call a closet. Ok this one is perfect! (holds out a different dress)
Gabby: Let me go with what I have on or I am not going!
Peyton: Reese let’s not push our luck. We have already convinced her to go. (almost in a whisper)
Reese: Fine, but she looks like a slob!
Gabby: I am soo hungry! Thats the only thing good about Ivy, she’s a pretty good cook.
Peyton: Well let’s go because we are already late.
(All heads down)


Scene 2
Setting: Ivy Miller’s New Year’s Party the Smith girls are standing outside the front door (move chair & move rack)
(Peyton nocks)
Ivy: (opening the door) Hey welcome to the party you guys!  Are you ready to start 2020 with me?
Peyton: Hi Ivy. Yes we are!
(All girls now walking in)
Ivy: I am so excited to celebrate with you guys! Its going to be so much FUN!
Gabby: Here we go.
Reese: I know me too!
Gabby: (under her breath) Gag me!
Ivy: Here have some of my new sauce. (All walk to sauce)
Gabby: (takes one and eats it) Wow! Thats so good!
Reese: I think thats the first time I have heard you say something positive!
Gabby: What’s in it?
Ivy: I won’t tell.  Here girls have some. (holds tray out as Peyton and Reese take one and eat it)
Reese: Wow that is good!
Peyton: Yum! (after shes done chewing) So what are we gonna do first?
Reese:  Well I am going to go check my make-up and hair in the bathroom first.
Gabby: Like always.
Ivy: No thats fine, its just right around the corner.
Peyton:  So Ivy, what have you been up to?
Ivy:  Not a whole lot. My parents said now that I am almost twenty one I should go to college or something.  Whatever. What about you guys?
Gabby: Well my whole schedule got flipped and messed up so you know this whole semester will stink.
Ivy: You don’t know that maybe you will like it more than you thought.
Gabby: I doubt it!
Ivy: Okay… What about you Peyton?
Peyton: Well not much. 
Ivy: How is school going?
Peyton: School? Who cares about school.
Ivy: (Laughs it off) Hahaha
(Reese Walking back into the room)
Reese I am back and perfectly flawless.
Gabby: At least your definition of perfectly.
Ivy: (Giggles and then gets a glare from Reese and quickly covers her mouth)
Reese: Watch it!
Peyton: Come on Reese you know its true!
Reese: What's true?
Gabby: You know maybe just the fact that all you care about is your looks and yourself.
Reese: Well atleast I have a positive outlook on things.
Gabby: Yeah a positive outlook on yourself and thats it. All you do is…
Ivy: Girls! Girls! Enough already! Lets just agree that we all have our own flaws.
Reese: Not me!
Peyton: Yes you!
Gabby: You're not perfect either Peyton!
Peyton: What’s wrong with me!
Ivy: You need to care about your school and your future!
Peyton: Says the women who hasn’t gone to college and still lives with her parents even though she graduated high school three years ago! (Ivy glares at Peyton)
(All break out in a huge chaotic fight) (Ivy include yelling at Reese about her hair)
Reese: You are hurting my hair!
Peyton: Hey! Hey! (still not paying attention so she yells) Stop it! What are we doing? Look at yourselves! Is this how you want to start 2020? Holding a grudge against each other?
Gabby: I would be fine with that.
Ivy: Shes right. We all have our flaws but why not seize this year as a new opportunity?
Gabby: Ok no. This is not going to turn into some sappy soap opera scene is it?
Reese: Maybe Ivy has got a point.
Peyton: Maybe I could  give this trying thing a shot this semester.
Ivy: There you go Peyton! And I could get a part time job or something.
Gabby: And maybe Reese could put the mirror down for a few minutes.
Reese: I guess I could cut my shopping trips down to only once a week.
Gabby: Baby steps.
Peyton: Yeah Gabby maybe you could give this new schedule a try with a positive attitude.
Gabby:  I will tell you what. I will think more positively towards things if Reese with put others before herself, if Peyton will study harder, and if Ivy applies for a job.
Ivy: I would apply to a part time job if everyone else gives it a try.
Peyton: I’ll try too.
Reese: Well it can’t hurt to try.
Gabby: You guys know that none of us will last a week.
Peyton: Well we will all try to keep the other girls on track and together we can do it.
Reese: All right.
Gabby: I can’t believe I am saying this but I’m in.
Peyton: Great! I knew we would be able to get through to you!
Gabby: Would you stop being so…. I mean yep thats great!
Ivy: Sounds like this is going to be a year to remember!
(heads down)

The author's comments:

We wanted to write this piece to inspire people to spend their year wisely.

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