Trouble in a Non-Paradise | Teen Ink

Trouble in a Non-Paradise

January 7, 2015
By Juanice BRONZE, San Diego, California
Juanice BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is really simple, but we insist on make it complicated. - Confucious

Cousins aren't always the closest and nicest of my family.  There is one particular cousin that can't keep bad things to himself he has to blurt it out and make someone feel bad his name is Mike. Of course me, I'm the one who gets offended because, it's just... You feel... if your family looks at you this way about you, then how do others think of you. One time my grandma took Mike and I to my friend Sydney's party which was fine everything was going well, nothing was going on, no problems, nothing. As me and my group of friends are dancing I hear even over the loud music, the rumbling floors, and  the sound of people's feet pounding the ground. I hear my cousins friends laughing  at things Mike is saying. He was saying things like ;

"who Nonie, eww she's stupid"

"your talking about that fat thing over there dancing, she looks like a big 'o' pig with clothes on."
Immediately I ran upstairs to my friends room with big drops of miserableness  dripping down my face. All I can think about is me being so humiliated. After, I just had my face and my shirt full out wetness while I was laying in my friends bed knowing my Grandma was not going to pick me up until tomorrow afternoon so I didn't decide to call her. I made sure to be very hidden under the covers. I sat there for about 30 minutes thinking about what I should do to resolve the problem, here is where the real depression starts. I then start saying to myself
" something has to happen, I'd rather die than to suffer this pain." I said sobbing. I then cried myself to sleep.
I woke up to my friend on he other end of me trying to wake me up because we had school. I slept over Sydney's house so we can go to school together the next day. I get up Sydney gives me a pair of jeans and a shirt that I can wear. We were all ready, as we were eating breakfast Mike sat next to me.
"I'm going to the car" I said poorly
"Why what's wrong" Sydney said worried
"Umm... Nothing, I'm just not hungry" I said.
I Grabbed my things and started to walk out the door. Until I hear Mike talking out loud.
"She doesn't want to eat because she knows she is all ready filled with too much food, and she knows some need to go away."
He said laughing. I got so furious I then rushed into and hitting him until Sydney pull me off of him. As she was pull me of I was crying and said,
"noooo, please this one time I'm tired of living like this, I'm tired of it" I said with anger in my voice.
I then pulled my arm away and went into the car. I look at Mike and I see all the scratches and bruises on his face, I start to tear feeling bad.
"Did I really just do that, me, Nonie Stephanie Jones, I can't believe it.” I said with my eyes tearing up. 
I apologized to him after he started to cry because of how surprised he was for me to act that way.
“look, I’m sorry for what I did I just... I just... feel like you don’t treat me like I’m family and I just think that if we...” Mike cuts me off.
As we were driving to school I just sat there looking out the window. We then arrived at school, I walked off right away as Sydney follows along to go to our “posse.” Once we met up with our friends we all started talking. Jessica was talking about her new dog, Destiny was talking about her dinner, Angel was talking about the concert she went to, and Sydney was talking about the party. After, I started talking about what happened between me and my cousin.
I said “ My cousin always talks about how fat I am  but, no one knows whats under his shirt.”
As a girl named Tiffany walks by and hears our conversation and she especially heard what I said and she was Mike’s ex-girlfriend so she told everyone in the school what I said and decided to embellish  it a little bit by saying
“ Nonie was talking about Mike and saying how he is actually really fat but he is hiding it under his clothes.”
I didn’t know nothing about this rumor until my Sydney told me but I still didn’t believe it until Mike came up to me and said
“I can’t believe you, I understand we got into a fight but that doesn’t mean you can ruin my life. Now you wonder why I treat you the way I do.” He said sounding furious.
I wasn’t really worried in fact, I felt relieved  because he finally felt how I felt all these times. One side of me was hurt and scared. I was scared because the things that were happening after because my friends turned on me Sydney told me I was never allowed to go to one of her parties ever again. My cousin completely excluded  me from his life and it just felt like it was a puzzle of all bad things and I was the piece  to connect to all. The day was getting worse and worse until lunch. Mike was apart of the ASB and he was on stage leading the lunch fun and he said
“Come on you guys lets make this good before Nonie make a rumor about it being sucky” he said rudely.
Right then and there I hurried up and ran on the stage took the microphone away from him and said
“You know what I am tired  of this, Tiffany tell the truth of this rumor.” I said courageously  waiting for Tiffany to respond but she was full of silence.
“...No, well then the truth is I said he has always told me I was fat but who knows what is under his shirt. So while everyone here is spreading these rumors  of what Tiffany has said, Tiffany only said all this to be Mike’s girlfriend again but what she doesn’t know is that she caused a lot of problems with this rumor and I will always love my cousin.” I said with lots of relief
My cousin then ran on  the stage and gave me a hug.
“I’m sorry for all these years because I didn’t know it was hurting you this much and now I understand why you did this to my face and I thank you for making me realize these mistakes.” He said with tear falling off his face.
“It’s okay we will always be cousins and no your wrong, I shouldn’t have did that to your face because it was very disrespectful and I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me.” I said crying with him.
“I LOVE YOU COUSIN” we both say out loud.

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About the Author
Juanice Hernandez is a very creative person. She always had new ideas to decorate something that can be old and make it into something new. Juanice has many sports that she loves to play with her family or in a team. She plays volleyball and softball on a team and she plays soccer with her brother or football with her cousin Mike. She was also in boxing. Juanice is always a very active person who is always happy and creative.

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