When you don't like your job | Teen Ink

When you don't like your job

January 15, 2015
By JDT2isme BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
JDT2isme BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dude you should totally run for president.” My friend Steve exclaimed.
    “I'm only Twelve years old.” I retorted. I was only in seventh grade the first time someone told me I should run for president. I was walking  to lunch from history class, we had just finished learning about how presidents are elected.
    “Ya I know that but, I mean later, when you're older.” Steve replied.

32 Years Later
    “...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” I had just finished swearing in. I am officially president of the United States of America.
Its been three weeks since I was elected. “So much stress.” I explained as Steve walks in. “I’m always tired.”       
“Well its to be expected, your president now, a lot of stress comes with this job.” Steve replies. “Maybe you should quit.” That was the first time I had ever thought about it. I realized that it wasn’t a good thing to do, but I didn’t want to be a president that just quit his job. I mean I was the president.
“I don’t  want to be known as the biggest quitter in the United States.” I said “No I have to get kicked out of office.” I had decided, I would get kicked out of office.
“How are you going to get kicked out of office.” Steve said.
I thought for a while then replied. “I don’t know yet but I can do it, I mean I got elected right.”  That was true, against all odds I was elected. Now I realize that it was a mistake and I don’t like the responsibilities, but I was able to be elected. How would I be impeached, time for a brainstorming session. Steve and I sat down and thought of all of the stupidest things a president could do. The next day I prepared a speech and went on the air. The TV camera man signaled me to start speaking. So I started, the speech was really good, but the topic of the speech was really bad. A nation wide ban on Doritos. Everyone got mad and were really confused as to why I would do that.
The next day I woke up and I saw Steve walk into my room. “Have you seen the TV reports.”
“No, what are you talking about.” I replied. I walked into the other room and turned on the TV, it was already on the news channel. I looked at the headline it read. Doritos National Ban, Terrible decision? No Doritos are the leading cause for cancer. It turns out that some college students from Harvard found out that a chemicals in Doritos are the leading cause for cancer. Everyone was talking about how I was such a good president, and wondering how I knew that it caused cancer.  I was devastated, and confused wondering how this could happen, what a coincidence. I was trying to be kicked out of office but all that happened was me becoming  a better president.
Five days later it was time to try again, I got to the podium and I started to speak. I sent my vice president to prison, but then the news came out. Guns in his car, written plans on how he was gonna assassinate me. He was planning on assassinating me.  I trusted him, he was gonna be president after I was kicked out of office, but he was gonna kill me anyways. I had never felt so betrayed or terrified. I was becoming one of the most popular presidents ever, all i was trying to do was get kicked out but it wasn’t working. Time for try number three, this one had to be bad.
I woke up, got ready, got up to the podium, and made my speech. I was cutting all of our ties with canada. We are no longer allies with canada. “Nothing could possibly go wrong.”  I said to Steve I would learn to regret those words. Canada was  planning a massive nuclear attack on the United States. If I hadn’t stopped the alliance we would have been caught off guard, but luckily we were ready and we were able to evacuate the area, and luckily not a single person got hurt. I was trying to get kicked out of office not get a ton of people killed. It was time to stop being afraid I had to resign from office.
I went up on the podium and I was about to start my speech but then I realized that I was a really good president and I couldn’t just quit. I served the remainder of my term, and then when it was finally over went to live on my life, there were secret service men everywhere but it was finally over, I was glad but a little put down that it was all over. It was a fun ride, but it was over. I lived out my life normally from then on out. I was told from everyone, family members, friends that I was the best president ever. I really changed the United States in those four years, I am very glad that I went through that experience.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story about someone who was elected president and then doesn't like the job so he tries to get impeached.

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