Being a Snob Versus Being a Nerd: a Comparison | Teen Ink

Being a Snob Versus Being a Nerd: a Comparison

January 15, 2015
By mk_15 BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
mk_15 BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I tie my frizzy, dirty-blonde hair in a low ponytail. It’s monday morning and I’m on my way to school. My purple and green striped helmet is positioned on my head as I ride my orange bike and keep my heavy textbooks in the basket attached to the front. I have a BC Calculus test first period so I pedal a little faster than usual; unfortunately this careless act causes my purple converse lace to catch in the tire of my bike and I go flying. My jeans acquire gas stains but I quickly put my books back in my basket and pedal until I’m at the school. Luckily, I just make it to class in time. Mr. Bishop distributes the so-called, “grueling test”, we’ve been hearing about for a week and we’re off. I finish with ease and walk out into the hallway to fill up my thermos with apple juice. After filling the thermos, I tuck in my purple shirt to my corduroy pants and start to walk back to class. “Oh no”, I mutter to myself as I see Shayna Knight and her clique walking towards me. She is the meanest girl in school; however, everyone seems to suck up to her  and praise her anyways. She shoves me on her way by, and says, “Watch it loser, wouldn’t want you to get your ‘wittle appey juice’ on my Chanel.” Sigh, just another day of high school.

My sleek, brunette hair flows gracefully as I run my perfectly manicured fingers through it. It’s monday morning and I am off to the land of the losers, also known as high school. My Louis Vuitton rests on my arm, holding a few dumb books I was supposed to read for homework. I have study first period so I am in no rush, and decide to stop for a caramel macchiato at Starbucks. Unfortunately the stupid, working barista puts too many pumps of caramel in so I have to make her redo it; this time with better technique. I walk into study just as the period is almost over. Ms. Stein, my ugly, uptight teacher gives me a look but i shoot back a sarcastic smile and say, “At least I took enough time to look in the mirror before I got here.” She gapes her mouth in shock but who really gives a s***? I walk into the hallway with a few of my beautiful friends (but they obviously aren’t as beautiful as me) just in time to see an annoying, frizzy-haired bookworm coming my way. My Louboutins clack on the linoleum floor as I think about the fact that annoying nerds really make school an uglier place. I make sure to shove her and her stupid-looking thermos with my perfect silhouette, as I say, “Watch it loser, wouldn’t want you to get your ‘wittle appey juice’ on my Chanel.” Sigh, I shouldn’t have to deal with these peasants in high school.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a prompt for a course called Writing Workshop, responding to the question, "Baseball or Football? Write a compare/contrast response on any two topics." 

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