The Manipulator | Teen Ink

The Manipulator

January 20, 2015
By Brandon Pol BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Brandon Pol BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bell rings  for first period at Bronx Bridges Sam is almost late for his algebra class.        
“I hope I’m not late to class” Sam yells loudly while he is running upstairs.        “I’m almost there” Sam says .  Sam makes it to algebra about a minute late but the  teacher doesn’t seem to mind. He sees all of  his friends, but he sees a new kid is in his seat.    “Maybe I should talk this guy he looks kind of lost and nice to make a new friend,” Sam says while thinking. Sam sits next to the new kid and says “Hi, I’m Sam. What’s your name?” 
“I’m Chuck” Chuck responded.       
“Hey Chuck maybe we should hangout sometime,” Sam replied.       
“Sure,” Chuck replied happily. Sam and Chuck had hanged out every class and became quick little friends. It’s time to leave Bronx Bridges and, as everyone school Chuck doesn’t say goodbye Chuck walks back home and mutters.          “Sam looks really stupid enough for me to use him and probably get him into some big trouble.”  
It’s now November 5, 2013 Sam finally came early to class and was waiting for Chuck.When the Sam reaches for his seat the fire alarm goes. Everyone runs for the exit cause a real fire happened. Sam ran to the exit and saw Chuck.   
“Chuck, where were you? I was looking all over for you!” Sam barked .
“Sam, calm down, I accidently started the fire and I need you to take the blame,” Chuck explained.      
“I’m not taking the blame you take your own responsibility,” Sam answered back. The two had argued for a couple of minutes outside of school while the firemen were trying to put down the fire. Then the principle was trying to find out who started the fire.
“Chuck I’ll say that I started the fire since I don’t want your parents to hurt you!” Sam said.           
“Really Sam, you’re the best friend ever.” Chuck replied happily with a big smile.    “Uh… Principal James,” Sam said nervously.     
“Yes Sam what happened,” Principal James kindly responded back.  
Sam really didn’t want take the blame but he was quickly thinking that should he trust Chuck but Sam ended up say saying , “I was the one who started the fire." 
"Well looks like I have to give you 2 weeks of suspension," Principal James said very disappointed.
Principal James had called Sam's parents and told them what he did and they both came to school to pick up Sam.   
"I'm very angry and disappointed at you son that is you will be nothing while your suspended" said Sam's dad Mr.Frankson At Sam's house Sam is in his room talking to his friend Alex on the phone.      
"Sam I know you did not start the fire," Alex.        "I was Chuck that started the fire and I took the blame for him," Sam replied.   "He is using you so you can get into big trouble,"  Alex said.
"You think so but I might just give him a second chance," Sam said.
"Ok then but I warned you Chuck is up to no good," Alex emphasized. School is closed for next 2 weeks due to the fire and with Sam no longer being grounded he decided to go out with Chuck and give him a second chance.     
“I’m really thankful for you taking the blame I’ll make it up to you today,” Chuck said   “Ok then,” Sam said.        
Chuck had a brown bag on his left hand and opened it to show Sam what is inside in the middle of street alley to stay hidden.       
“Are those drugs in the bag Chuck?”  Sam asked.
“No these are good for you Sam, try them believe me there good,” Chuck acknowledged.          
Sam looks at the bag thinking that Chuck is trying to use him so he get him trouble he is only 15 years old and he doesn’t want to go to jail but Sam makes his decision to trust Chuck and believe him. Sam then takes the drugs and passes out in the alley. The cops show up and found him.           
“He was forcing me to take drugs and I ran to call the cops” Chuck said. Sam woke up with handcuffs on.
The cops said, “You are under arrest for drug use.”    
“Wait, those were drugs? Chuck, you tricked me!” Sam bellowed.
“I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Guys he tried to trick me in taking drugs” Chuck said .  
The cops put Sam in the car and drive him to prison and instead of putting him in court he has to stay in his jail cell for a couple of days until he goes to court. While that happens Chuck thinks about his next evil plan.     
“Since my first plan worked now my second KILL SAM’S PARENTS ” Chuck say with a very evil grin on his face walking back home.

December 1st, the day Sam gets trialed for the actions he didn't do.   "Sam Frankson you are put on trial for use of drugs" the judge said.
While Sam was on trial his attorney came to defend his statement on Chuck framing him but his argument was very weak and he got shut down by the judge and Sam was put to jail for 3 months . Mr. and Mrs. Frankson were disappointed that Sam used drugs and went back home talking about.        
"Do you really think that Sam did something like and tried to blame his new friend for that," Mr. Frankson said          
"Honey I just don't know I thought we raised him better than that,” Mrs. Frankson exclaimed 
"Maybe the way Sam acts was just for show to do something evil like this" Mr. Frankson replied sadly.            
After their short conversation the doorbell rings.     
"That's strange I'm not waiting for anyone at this time," Mrs.Frankson said.
"Me neither, maybe it could Sam coming back home for something" Mr.Frankson    "You really think so?" Mrs.Frankson said       
"Yeah I think so, I'll go check right now"Mr.Frankson said      As he opens the door a man in a black mask shoots him in the head repeatedly.
“Ohhhhhhh my god why!" Mrs.Frankson cried while seeing her husband's dead body.
"One down one more left to kill" the masked man .     
Mrs.Frankson runs and hide in the the garage with only a shovel to defend herself. She pulls out her cellphone and speed dials the police.        "Hello 911 there is a man with a mask on that is trying to kill me" Mrs.Frankson cried     "Ok we will be on our way" the police replied back
As soon as Mrs.Frankson had called the police the masked man had open the door to the garage. Mrs.Franson had hid under the table were the tools are at while holding her shovel, she’s been breathing heavily and sweats in anxiety hoping that she can knock out the man.   “Mrs.Frankson stop hiding it’s no use you lost your husband and your son’s in jail just accept your fate and die!” The masked man yelled
When Mrs.Frankson heard the man’s voice she “Is that Chuck’s voice?”
“I found you!” the masked man yells.        As he pulls out his gun Mrs.Frankson had used the shovel and smacked it out of his hand and bends his wrist. Upon doing that Mrs.Frankson bashed the man face with the shovel breaking his mask and putting him unconscious. Mrs.Frankson had calmed down and checked who was the  `man.
“Chuck it was him that did all this, putting Sam in jail, killing my husband and trying to kill me,” Mrs.Frankson said to herself                                       After that confrontation the cops came and arrested Chuck and freed Sam out of jail after finding out he had framed Sam on taking drugs. Chuck was looked up for 2 years for all the wrongdoings he has done.           Five months have passed Mr.Franksons funeral happened after that Sam and his mom had went to the prison Chuck’s to find out why he killed Sam’s dad.
“Chuck why you killed my dad?” Sam softly said.
“Because my parents never loved me and I was jealous of the love your parents gave you that is why I killed your father,” Chuck replied        Sam and his mom left the prison and went on her car and while she was driving Sam had learned that he shouldn’t be used like that by anyone because it would lead him into some big trouble.

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