Hero: A Short Story | Teen Ink

Hero: A Short Story

January 24, 2015
By MADKC4Ever BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
MADKC4Ever BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be an individual. Be unique. Stand out. Make noise. Make someone notice." - Jon Bon Jovi.

Macy could hear the police sirens wailing in the distance. Her heart sped, her forehead beaded with sweat.

They were all busted.

A sea of bodies were streaming into the front yard, the bodies of people who Macy thought she knew, thought were her friends. Each one of them were desperate to escape the consequences of getting seen, getting caught, losing everything.

None of them wanted to see the shiny silver handcuffs tonight.

Macy gripped her boyfriend Brett's hand, her blood pumping in her ears, her throat locked up tight, as they raced across the dewey front lawn. Macy had known that she was risking everything when she decided to come that night. She knew.

She had done it anyway.

"Our car is right here, hurry!" Brett, a high-school football player with everything to lose and the odds stacked against him, led her over to his beat-up Suburu.

"Get in!" He screamed, the desperation dripping from how voice.

Macy had never seen him like this before. Then again, Macy had never thought she would be in a situation like this with the person she thought she loved the most.

The sirens were now right around the corner, leaving little time for the getaway.

Macy stepped her silver strapped heel in the car, the only solution her mind could think of at such a terrifying moment. Probably the most terrifying of her entire life.

But she had known that it would be. She knew.

And then, dizzy with adrenaline and fear, she whirled her head around, trying to figure out what exactly was happening around her, because she still just wasn't quite sure, and then she saw it.

Her stomach lurched into her throat.

Kristy Larson, a girl Macy didn't necassarily like and knew had had more than a few shots that night, climbing into her silver Mercedes and struggling to jam the key into the ignition.

Brett's eyes followed her gaze.

"Macy, don't! You hardly even know her! If you go back there, you'll get caught! We'll all be home free if you get in the car, NOW!"

Macy swallowed, her hand shaking as it tried to hold the grip on the open door, her mind racing. She was completely lost, and the clock was counting down fast.

"MACY!" Brett bellowed one last time.

The black and white cars were coming down the neighborhood, and Macy knew that she had no time left to hide. No time left to decipher right and wrong.

A shriek escaped her throat as she felt the soles pound the pavement beneath her. She was running fast, but she ould still hear the ignition of Brett's car, the sound of him leaving her behind. She tuned it out.

Her eyes watering, her vision blurred, and her breathing just ragged gasps, as her body gave her a last burst of energy to reach her.

Kristy needed a hero tonight. Just as Macy had, before she came to this party.

Macy couldn't, wouldn't, make anymore bad decisions tonight.

She lurched forward, almost landing on her knees on the hard gravel, grabbing Kristy's thin wrist, her silver bangle digging into her palm as the red and blue lights illuminated her face.

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write this while I was listening to the song "Hero" by Skillet. I wanted readers to notice the bravery and selflessness of Macy, and how she was willing to be a hero to somebody who needed her even though she had made bad decisions herself. She sacrificed herself not getting caught so that she could save someone else, and I hope readers know that this is what makes a true hero and that anybody can be one if they want to.

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