Wozes Chapter | Teen Ink

Wozes Chapter

January 28, 2015
By Victor Nederloe BRONZE, Stillwater, Minnesota
Victor Nederloe BRONZE, Stillwater, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I used to live in California where you would get a tan as soon as you walked out that door. I applied at Apple.inc 3 months ago and I am still waiting for that phone call. While I was eating my peanut butter and banana sandwich, the phone rang! I went over to the kitchen and picked up the land line. The caller id said “Applecare.” So, I picked up the phone and the voice on the other line said, Dear mr. Pearce, we have looked over your application you sent to us and we would like to you to start on Monday, thank you.

My family lived in South Dakota, and I had no way to contact them, they live on a farm, and they grew onions, tomatoes, and peaches. They have asked me if I wanted to go into the family business with them. But I denied and I told them I wanted to pursue my dream. They were a little mad because I used to help them out when I was a kid. But they can't keep me there forever. The plant that they really cared about the most were the peaches. My old grandfather founded the farm back in 1904, and has planted our first family peach tree, which died out before I even got to see it. There is still a fence around the ground where the old peach tree was standing. Which kinda makes me a little sad, I always wanted to know more about my grandfather and our old peach tree. But there was one thing that was passed down from the generations, it was a seed. Which my family passed down to me.

Next monday I came into work, All happy because I’m finally working for the job that I wanted to work forever, since I saw their first ibook G4 when I was in college. One of the sales people told me that the manager wanted to talk to me. So I went into his office. He gave me a letter and told me that i'm getting a job transfer. To a store in Cleveland ohio. He said that not many job positions were open here in Sacramento. So I took the offer. I couldn't believe that I was moving! so far away from the beach and the sun. On the other side I was a little happy, to get away from the sun burns, and get to live a little closer to my family. The next day I said my goodbyes to my friend James. He gave me a little goodbye present. It was his old Ipod shuffle. With some of my favorite songs. 

Cleveland was a lot different from California. It was a little cold. When I arrived at my apartment, I saw a garden, It was small and kinda populated. There was a lot of people from different countries, Asian, South american, and others. They were growing many different things mainly like Lettuce, tomatoes and pumpkins. There was a kid standing with a pitchfork on a sidewalk. But I didn't bother to go and ask. I was a little tired from the airplane ride, So I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of a T.V. that was playing loudly above my floor. I got dressed and decided to unpack and go buy some food. I reached in my bag and started to put things on my shelf. Then I went over to the window and saw the garden. It was a sunday and I had nothing to do, so I decided to go and check out the garden and maybe meet a few people. There was a guy running from his taxi and to his little spot in the garden getting some kind of lettuce. I found myself a little spot, and decided to plant peaches. I went back to my apartment, grabbed the seed that my parents gave me. I wanted to plant something that would feel a little closer to my family. To make them proud.  I went outside and dug a hole, the ground was moist and soft. I grabbed the seeds and put them in the hole, then watered it. For the next couple of days, I was watching over my peaches. But they wouldn't grow. Maybe it was to cold? or not enough water? I decided on building a greenhouse. The next day I went to my local hardware store, bought some wood, plastic, and heat lamps. I started to build the greenhouse but it wasn't that easy, I drew a blueprint of the greenhouse and how I want it to look like. A guy came over to help me. I asked him for his name, he smiled and told me that his name was Sam. He yelled to the kid with a pitchfork to come and help me. Then a couple more people came over and asked me what i was doing an if I needed help, I said “Yes please.” It was a small 4x4 Greenhouse for my peach tree. But I couldn't find a plug-in for my heat lamps. There was one but it was on the apartment building. Too far for my cords to reach. Then an idea hit me! Solar powered, I could keep them off in the morning so the sun could go to the panels and save the power till the night. Little by little my peach tree was growing, I decided to keep a journal of my plant, Everyday I would take a picture of the plant and put it in the journal. 
People came up to me the next day and asked me what i was growing, I told them it was peaches. I saw many different plants, vegetables and fruits. The smell of dirt made me feel like I was back on my family farm. I came into work the next day, I worked with the information center. It wasn't  was i was hoping for but it was still something. One day I came across my dads name, It looked like he registered a macbook. Which was good because i now had a way to contact my family! So the next day I gave them a call. On my way home I walked past the garden it was late at night maybe like 10:00 or 11:00 I wasn't really sure, I saw a homeless man taking some tomatoes. I came up to him and asked him if he was hungry, he said yes. I went over to the greenhouse and picked some peaches from my peach tree and gave it to the homeless man. Its better to give than to receive. I got a call at about seven in the morning from my dad and he told me that they were coming to cleveland to check up on me and to see how everything was going. I was happy, to finally get to see my family. I told them about the peach seed. There was a silence on the other line for a couple of seconds...then he hung up. Why? Was it that bad? Did I do something wrong? I guess I’ll find out when they come over. The community garden has really brought back my memories, like how I used to help my family out on the farm. How I used to eat apples straight from the tree instead from a store. A few days later I got a package, It was from my family. There was a note on it. I opened it up and read, “Hello, sorry we didn't get a chance to come and see you, there was a problem at the farm. I hope that you are doing well, we really miss you. If you have a chance please come and visit. There is something in the box that your grandfather left you. Take care!” I opened up the box and there was another seed in it.

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