Dear Thirteen Year Old Me | Teen Ink

Dear Thirteen Year Old Me

February 5, 2015
By notsosweetcaroline BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
notsosweetcaroline BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear thirteen year old me,

You think that eveyone is judging you. But do you ever stop to consider that maybe you're judging people too?

Dear thirteen year old me,

The boy with the crystal green eyes? He doesn't love you. And you don't love him either, contrary to how you feel right now. You just love the idea of him. The way he makes you feel. The way your stomach flips when he smiles at you. You don't care that he's flawed and human just like the rest of us.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Not every adult is out to screw you over. And not everyone that listens to you rant about the unfairness of life is your friend. Just keep that in mind.

Dear thirteen year old me,

There's more music out there than Evanescence. Trust me on this one.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Right now, you ignore the present. Not that I blame you. It's not always a pretty place. Every chance you get you curl up into a little ball, and block everything out. The loneliness.  The mean, taunting words the boys at school throw at you. You imagine yourself in the future, when the people around you no longer matter. You won't always feel like this. One day you will have friends, goals, and passions that keep you tied to the here and now.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Puberty sucks. There's no way around this one. But don't worry. It's cruel to everyone, not just you.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Everyone is hurting. Maybe not in the same ways you are, and maybe not in ways that you are able to see easily. But they are. You will be a better person once you learn this.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Keep reading. Read everything you can get your hands on.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Someday you will be able to look in the mirror and smile at what you see.

Dear thirteen year old me,

Someday you will be able to look at yourself and be proud of the girl you've become. Of the woman you are becoming.

Dear thirteen year old me,

You're going to be okay. Maybe not right now. Maybe not for a while. But you will be.

I promise.


Your future self

The author's comments:

Just some stuff I wish somone had told me when I was younger.

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