Expiriments in Poetry | Teen Ink

Expiriments in Poetry

March 2, 2015
By Cwitmer19 GOLD, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Cwitmer19 GOLD, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world"-Tyler Durden

Fissures in the mind now boy
Keep still now
Keep still
Cracking on the pavement
Brush the sense you got boy
Keep still now
Keep still
Smack and the kitchen’s short a few spoons
Smack and the linen gone get dirty
Keep still now
Keep still
Dangerous games you be playin’ at
Backyard scuffles with the  boys
Keep still now
Keep still
Hands burnin’ on rope boys
Wheels run too quick like
Keep still now
Keep still
Bringing the master down
Slash of His whip
Keep still now
Keep still
Done tried the ring around
Done cut the tether now
Wake up boy
Wake up

Bees crave honey sweet
Bear eats salmon quickly now
We have much to learn

Observations and Expectations
maybe im not a socially acceptable member of society but rather something of a different variety and so am I pariah or some new separatists messiah either way it makes me want to cry uh why you ask because im not ever married to one absolute way of thinking and its just this convoluted exemption of the either or philosophy that resorts deep thinkers to drinking and maybe im worried about that stereotype as well maybe instead of twitter i think of heaven and h--- and maybe this is just the rambling of a pompous a-- someone who is mistaking pseudo sophistication for a distant cousin of class or maybe I have a point and I can’t even get it across to myself and maybe that point is invalid and this poem is just a wealth of c--- written by a fourteen year old nothing thinking they’re obviously something for example he hates it when college students go into a starbucks and discuss proust and american  lit when they're really more concerned about their instagram hits tweets snaps taps likes hearts comments and sincerely i just want to get up and vomit and yet im probably the worst one of all for this vain sense of superiority and I can’t change the feeling that I have some type of moral authority and duty to dish out social commentary that sounds like hatred and really this is voluntary so im stuck between being a genius and a hack and when you reach that fork between the two there is no turning back and I guess more than anything I want recognition more than I want critical validation or permission and this ultimately makes me feel like my writing is dredge like I can’t get ahead so instead of thinking about the loop I continue writing I continue fighting thinking for some brief moments that what im doing is the right thing and really I don’t know if this will have any meaning.

It just stops me from pulling my hair, and screaming

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