The World We Live In | Teen Ink

The World We Live In

March 7, 2015
By Anonymous

In a world where people are divided by: the color of our skin, how much money their family has, the kind of car there parents drove, the kind of house you live in, and on your looks or what you wear. If your family had a lot of money and you always have nice things than you hang out with the cool kids or the popular kids. If your family lived on a paycheck to paycheck week and you don't have all of the nicest thing than you don't hang out with that group. You were never caught talking to the cool kids because to them you were just trash that didn't mean a thing. They never notice you they don't see you when they run into you when trying to get to class. When they do notice you it's only to make you feel lower than you already feel. Because that's what they do that's all they know how to do. They won't stop until they are the last people left on Earth. They won't stop until they have broken you to nothing or little. We can't let them win in this they may thing we are nothing but we are something that can change the world and never will give up on it even when there is nothing left to fight for.

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to write this piece is because it's what I go through on a every day basic they divide us into popular, lot's of money, nice cars, nice homes, the clothes we wear, and how we look when we leave the house.

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