The Date | Teen Ink

The Date

March 9, 2015
By BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Best Friends are people who know how crazy and weird you are, and still choose to be seen in public around you" :)


Take a long shower and dont forget to wash your hair thoroughly, but don’t put too much conditioner in or  your hair will be poofy. Hear your phone ring and think: “that’s probably my friend Nora calling to ask me about the date for the 30th time in the last five minutes.” Hear your sister yell across the house for you to get out of the shower and ignore her whiny annoying voice. Take extra long to show your sister you don’t care about what she says.
Finally, get out of the shower after hearing your phone ring for the 2nd time. Think: “I put too much conditioner in. It looks like I will now have to blow-dry my hair.” Scream across the house, asking where your mom put the blow dryer. Finally find it in the closet and pull it out, nervous that you might not have enough time.
Blow dry your hair and make sure it looks naturally straight. Find that it is starting to curl at the bottom and decide to just use a hair straighter. After your hair finally looks acceptable, brush your teeth at least twice.
Leave the shower and hear your sister grumble: “Why’d you take so long!?! You aren’t preparing for a date with the Queen of England after all!”
Tell her she’s too young to understand and walk into your room.
Look at your closet and think about the upcoming date. Pick out something nice, but casual to make your date think that this is totally not the moment you’ve been waiting for for the past 3 years. Finally decide on your favorite pink tanktop and a pair of skinny jeans that make you look skinnier than you actually are.
Put it on.
Think: “Pink is such a baby color” and put on a black tight shirt.
Put on some blush, concealer and mascara, nothing more, you don’t want to look like a doll. Think: "what if I get bored?" And immediately tell yourself that you won’t. Hear your phone ring for the 3rd time and see a text from your best friend. And... yep how did you guess?! She’s obviously asking if you think you are in love. Type: “yes <3” not because it’s true, but because you know that’s what she wants to hear.
Ask your mom for the time. Watch her mouth move, but don’t actually listen to what she’s saying because the daydreams of how he would hug you are already taking over your mind. You picture it all so clearly when….
Your phone buzzes again and snaps you back into reality.
Ignore it, mad at yourself for not keeping it on silent.
Two minutes later realize you have nothing better to do and read the text message.
Again, it will be one of your friends asking just how excited are you. Type: “I’m so excited I can’t believe this!” even though you are more terrified than excited.
Hear another text from your friend… but this one will be telling you to be careful, since the guy you have liked for so long appears to most as a “complete jerk”.
Think: “I’m gonna prove them wrong! They are all so wrong about him! He would never hurt my feelings… I mean everyone thought that Romeo and Juliet weren’t meant to be and look at how wrong all those people were!”
Look out the window at the sky and say to yourself “maybe it will rain”. Realize that if you get bored maybe you could go on a walk in the rain. Start fantasizing about how he will give you his coat when you say you are cold.
Have your daydream interrupted by your mom telling you to put her hair straightner back where it came from. Groan, not just because you are annoyed at your mom, but also because of all the nervous energy making you jittery and frustrated. Even the smallest thing about this day can ruin the whole date. Walk into the living room and hear you mom say, “That shirt is way too short! Go put on a cardigan!” Ignore her because you both know you won’t do as she says.
Pretend you need to see the time and sneak into your mom’s bedroom to steal some of her French perfume. Get caught by your sister on the way out and give her a dollar so she won’t tell your mom. Think: “Geez I’m gonna become bankrupt soon with that kind of sister!”
Hear you phone ring and open the text nervously,  thinking maybe he decided to cancel the date!
Exhale loudly when it turns out it’s just one of your friends asking you another question about your “love”.
Ignore the text and check the time.
Inhale deeply and tell yourself “he is not the love of my life, so no matter what happens on the date, it will have no impact on my life!”
Catch yourself thinking that you are lying to yourself.
Check the time.
Pop a mint in your mouth.
Check the time.
At the last minute take 10 dollars, just in case you’ll have to pay for yourself.
Walk out the door and walk around for a couple minutes, even though your heart will be telling you to move as quickly as possible to see him sooner.
Make sure you are at least 15 minutes late just to make sure you are not the one waiting…
When you approach your meeting spot, just as if on cue your heart will start pounding… and no you won’t be able to stop it by taking deep breaths, so don’t even try that.
Instead, look at the green trees around you admiring the beauty of nature and the swinging of trees from side to side in the warm summer breeze. Say to yourself “Is it just the way I feel or is today the most beautiful day I’ve seen all summer?!”
Count your footsteps.
As you approach the meeting place.
Walk slowly, looking down as if you are calm inside.
When you get to the meeting place slowly raise your head, expecting to see him….
Just then, your phone will ring...  and, just like that, looks like you will have to be the one waiting after all…
Drop your head and feel frustrated “WHY DIDN’T I JUST COME 20 MINUTES LATE” you’ll think.
Suddenly the warm summer breeze will turn into a cold autumn wind, and the trees will no longer seem beautiful, rather mocking with their leaves swinging over your head, as if laughing at the lonely girl standing under their powerful branches.

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