To Be Alone | Teen Ink

To Be Alone

April 6, 2015
By Violet_Neque BRONZE, Lynwoood, Illinois
Violet_Neque BRONZE, Lynwoood, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am not "everyone".

I wasn't expecting it. Definitely not. When I looked up from my book his eyes were all I saw and they were trained on me. It was like he had been watching for a long time from across the table. I was so surprised, speechless even. I just stared at the stranger's deep brown eyes. 
     "My name is Caleb. I'm sorry if I startled you. I just couldn't help but notice you were mouthing the words as you read and I just got carried away watching." 
        "I'm Layla. It's nice to meet you." I smiled because I thought he was weird and that interested me. I dog-eared my page of "Grimm Fairy Tales" and leaned on the table more so that I could whisper. "What does one do in the library without a book or work?" I asked. 
        Caleb smiled. "People watching. You just happened to catch my eye."
      "Why me?" 
      He leaned in close and whispered, "You're all alone." 
      I sat up and looked around me. He was right. Everyone sat at tables talking with one or more other people. There was no one else that was alone. No one accept Caleb. "What's that got to do with anything?"
      "You seemed interesting." 
      "If I were anyone else, I'd say that you're creepy and to get away. " 
     He smiled. "You're creepy too. You're reading the Grimm Brothers not Stephanie Meyer or social media. Just face it, we are two of a kind."
       He's suddenly more bold with his words like he's more comfortable with me. Gently, he wraps his hand around my wrist. Even through my sleeves, his touch was warm. I realize how cold it is in here.  I pulled my arm away and made an "I barely know you" excuse. 
          "Layla," he says, "I don't like being alone. I know you don't like it either. I know you're the perfect friend for me. We both know we will be better off together. It's not fun to be alone." 
          I stared at him, dumbfounded. How bold he was about it. How intuitive he seemed to be. I looked into his unyielding eyes. They didn't plead or demand, they simply waited. I let my eyes fall to the wooden table and I smiled faintly. I wondered what he would be like as a friend but, frankly, I didn't know. 
          When I looked back up at Caleb, he was leaning back in his chair. I was looking through the aisles as if impossibly reading all the titles from here. He looked relaxed. He turned and smiled at me. I opened my mouth to answer him but he cut me off. "No need to say a word. I took your smile as a yes." 

The author's comments:

If only making friends was so easy. I suppose the message I'd like to portray is to be bold and go for what you want. Taking chances makes things more interesting.

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