Shark Island | Teen Ink

Shark Island

April 30, 2015
By AfaanA BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
AfaanA BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever heard of a giant shark? A huge shark that was from the dinosaur period?  Well there was once a boy that went to an island in the middle of Indian Ocean. His name was Jack and he got lost on this island. He had no idea of how he got there whatsoever. When he got on the island all the people there seemed scared of something and they were all afraid to leave. Jack had no idea what was going on so he started talking to the people and asked them. They just said go ask someone else kid. So Jack went on and on asking people what was going on. No one seemed to say anything. Jack started to investigate what was going on in this island.
Jack found out this island had a lot of stuff about sharks and the ocean. There was a shark museum, and houses that had sharks on them. Jack kept going through the island hoping to find something. He later found a man wearing a strange mask. This man had told him that there was a shark outside the island.  Jack wasn’t surprised because they were surrounded by an ocean. Then the strange man told Jack this shark was 20 feet long and would destroy the boats that were coming in out of the island. This is why no one knew how they got here. Jack started to worry.
Jack soon didn’t believe the strange man. So Jack went on and tried to find this 20 foot “shark”. Jack thought the people on the island were crazy. Jack went to the end of the island and found cannon. He was surprised to find such old cannon. Then Jack shot it and out came a coconut. It shot into the water. The shark came up and ate the coconut. This shark was massive, it looked 30 feet long and its teeth were about the size of Jack. Jack knew had to escape this place. Then all of a sudden the Shark came out the water and started saying “Jack wake up, you’re going to be late!” That’s when Jack woke up and realized he was late for the bus.

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