Workaholic | Teen Ink


April 29, 2015
By AnnaQ BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
AnnaQ BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     There was a young man who lived quite an average life. He had a simple, decently paying job and struggled a bit to pay the bills, like every other person did. Soon, like many young men, he met the woman of his dreams and fell in love with her. They married happily, and before they knew it, were preparing for their first child.

    At first, the man was quite content with the life he led; he and his wife truly loved each other and each treasured the other dearly. The man didn't make much money with the job he had, though, and when his first child was born, he worried about if he were capable of supporting the family he yearned for. After all, a man without money couldn't hope to care for a family. So, he worked hard to find a better paying job.

    He soon managed to get hired by a well known company, and had gotten a well paying job that he enjoyed. His job took away from the time that he could spend with his family, though, but he decided that it was a necessary sacrifice so that his family could live with happiness and ease.

    With that thought in mind, the man worked harder and harder, rarely taking any time off of work. In fact, he became almost addicted to his job. He would always be the first one to show up at his office in the mornings and the last one to leave in the evenings. He even worked extra hours on weekends, even if it meant missing his son's soccer game or his daughter's violin recital. After a while, it became so that he would only occasionally sit at the same dinner table with his family. It turned out that even then, sometimes, he would be thinking about work instead of his family.

    Every day, the man would tell himself, "I swear that I'll spend some time with my family later," but he would end up getting caught up in work and forget his promise. As time passed, the 'laters' changed to 'tomorrows', which then changed to 'next weeks', and so on until the man stopped thinking about his family altogether, and in turn, his family stopped thinking about him.  The man had become a workaholic.

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