First Day of School | Teen Ink

First Day of School

May 13, 2015
By sami.hersheybar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
sami.hersheybar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be," -Albus Dumbledore

“You excited?” my bestie Sarah came bounding up behind me, full of energy. It was the first day of our freshman year of school, and it was a big deal. I had planned my outfit the night before, searching and searching through my closet. Eventually I had given up and begged my mom to take me shopping for a new outfit. Well, ya know, teenagers.
“Of course!! It took me forever to find an outfit! Made murm take me shopping,” I laughed. Of course she understood and we started laughing even harder, because that’s just what we did. Sarah and I had been besties since we were born. Having been born in the same hospital, our moms became friends after we were both born on the same day, and they had been viewing us in the window thingy (which is what we called it). We were always together.
“Come on! Don’t want to be late to class right?” Sarah giggled, yanking me after her by my arm.
“Gosh! I’m coming!” she let go of, and since I hadn’t been paying attention, I ran into a pole. Typical, clumsy me. “Hold up!” I yelled through laughs, because I always laughed at myself.
“Another pole Ashley? Come on! You’re worse than my blind dog!” we started laughing again. I rubbed my head and followed her into our first period class room. We took seats in the back, and tried to lay low, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves. We chatted together about our favorite band, and our plans for the weekend, and just random things. Our teacher walked in and began writing on the board. Like usual, I didn’t pay attention, and that ended badly.
“Young lady in the back. Striking blue tank, what’s your name?” Mrs. Bailey asked.
“Ashely,” I replied sheepishly.
“Well, Miss Ashely, what did I just say to your class?”
“I’m n-n-ot sure ma’am,” I replied nervously.
“Well, you and your friend should pay more attention! This will be the only time I repeat myself this year,” Mrs. Bailey then proceeded to repeat her instructions about the upcoming year, and homework. I then noticed one guy next to me snickering and I looked over. It was just a really annoying, but hella cute boy sitting next to me, and as soon as I looked, he laughed even more.
“Hey now, what’s so funny?” I whispered at him, suppressing my own laugh cause I knew what he was going to say.
“The fact that it’s the first day and you’re already not paying attention,” he laughed a little more. “I’m Jarrett by the way.” He handed me a small card, and looked back to the teacher. I opened it, and it had his phone number. I realized that it was the beginning of the year, and I was already falling for a guy I barely knew. I managed to pay attention for the rest of class, and once the bell rang it was hectic.
I left the classroom, and looked for Jarrett, but couldn’t find him. I knew I’d see him later though. “Sarah!” I screamed as I saw her come out of the class. “You will not believe what happened!”
“OMG ASH! What?!” she responded with her same enthusiasm.
“Did you see that guy sitting next to me in class?” I asked, hoping she had.
“Oh yeah! The one who was laughing at you? He was pretty cute. What about him?”
“Well, his name is Jarrett and I have his number!” we both started doing our excited squeal, and we just started being ourselves.
“Hey, you two squealing pigs. Move, you’re in my way,” this one really prissy, popular girl said. I saw her groupies behind her and knew it was the “queen bee”. I then decided to be my usual self, and speak up.
“Oh I’m sorry your highness, didn’t see you and the royal court there'll move, but only for royalty.” I winked at Sarah, and moved over and bowed. Sarah followed my lead, and the “queen” just scoffed and walked by.
“What was that for?” Sarah asked.
“Why not?” I just raised my shoulders and walked to my next class. We chatted again, because that’s what we did. I made a stop by my locker and noticed a familiar face. “You again?” I asked and elbowed him.
“Well look, its my new locker buddy!” he exclaimed and elbowed back. Sarah laughed at me and just walked away, to somewhere. "So whatcha doing after school?" he asked nonchalantly.
"Nothing interesting, just hanging out with Sarah like usual," I replied, keeping all interest out of my voice.
"How about this weekend?" he asked hopefully.
"Shopping with Sarah and some other girl stuff."
His expression looked sad. "Seems like you two are always together, leaving others out of your time," he began to walk away.
"Wait!" I called out to him. "I'm not spending the entire weekend with her, just Saturday. Don't get all hurt because I like hanging out with my best friend," he turned around and came back.
"Well..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to see a movie with me?"
"Of course! I honestly didn't think you'd ask! One sec," I took a notecard out of my locker and quickly wrote down my number. "Call me," I winked and turned to go to my next class and find Sarah. I checked my phone and noticed I was going to be late. I hurried to my next class. I slipped in just as the tardy bell rang, and went straight to the back.
"Well hello again," Sarah winked at me. I guess she had saved me a seat because the only empty one was next to her.
"Hi. Sorry. Jarrett asked me out!" I replied, trying to keep my voice down.
"Eee!!" she squealed softly. "That's awesome! Now pay attention this time!" she winked and looked at the teacher. The teacher, Mr. Roger, went on and on about the requirements for this year's Physics class. I was bored like always so I took out my notebook and randomly started drawing. I wasn't that good, but I was good enough to not be embarrassed by my art. Mr. Roger came around the class with some class work.
"What do we have here?" he asked peering over my shoulder. I just closed my notebook to hide my awful drawing. "This isn't art class ma'am, so please don't draw." he walked back up to the front of the class and began the lesson. I tried to pay attention and take notes, but I just wasn't interested considering I already knew it all.  I had taken a Physics class over the summer but it didn't count so I had to take it again. I went back to drawing and Mr. Roger noticed.
"You in the back of the class room, re one drawing. Please stand up and state your name."
'Not again,' I thought to myself. "Ashely," I replied as calm as possible.
"What is the answer to the physics problem I have written on the board?" I answered it correctly which shocked him. "I guess you were paying attention. I'm sorry Miss Ashely. You may sit down." i huffed as I sat down. This was the second time today, and it was only second period. I checked my phone on my desk and noticed a text from Jarrett.
'In trouble again?' it said.
'You in second period physics with Mr. Rogers?' I responded.
'You know it ;). Middle row.'
'haha, yeah. I took this class over the summer, but I have to retake it.'
'smart and hot! score! ;3'
'stop texting during class! ;)' I put my phone down and went back to my drawing.
The bell finally rang and I was so ready to leave. I grabbed my notebook and walked as fast as I could to my locker so I could get my text book for the next class. "There you are! I was looking for you!" Sarah said as she gave me a hug from behind. We were so close as friends that we didn't care if people thought we were a  couple anymore.
"Sorry, I just wanted to get out of that boring class!" I closed my locker and turned to face her.
"So that cute boy Jarrett asked you out?!" she asked excitedly.
"Yup. We're gonna see a movie on Sunday," I replied happily.
"Oooooo!" she replied, nudging me. "Come on! let's get to our next class." she grabbed my arm and dragged me to gym. As we were walking, arms linked together, I noticed the "queen bee" again. I winked at Sarah with a mischievous smile plastered on my face. "What are you going to do Ash?" Sarah asked me with that please don't kind of attitude.
"What? I'm just going to have some fun!" I replied and began formulating my plan. When the blonde, high-heeled, make-up clad bean pole walked by, I curtsied in her direction. "Hello again your highness," I said smoothly.
"Oh, it's you again. what do you want?" just the sound of her voice annoyed me.
"Nothing, just treating the royalty like she truly should be treated," I winked. "Oh goodness! What's that on your skirt?!" I reached forward and began rubbing my finger on her skirt.
"Don't touch me!!!" she screamed.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was just trying to be nice and get a spot out of your skirt."
"Well, that's ok I guess." I continued to rub the skirt, getting all the leftover pencil that was on my finger from the last class on her skirt, smiling the whole time.
"Oh sorry. Couldn't get it out. I don't want to be late!" I quickly scurried away, grabbing Sarah on the way and soon began to run to the gym. I began laughing as soon as I heard the high pitched scream come down the hall. I tugged my friend on faster, like I was taking her away from the line of fire. She raised an eyebrow at me before she began to laugh, and we entered the gymnasium laughing so hard my sides hurt.
We put our backpacks down and went to sit down with the rest of the class. soon, the teacher came in. "hello class. I'm Mr. Scalia and welcome to physical education." he drones on about the class like all the other teachers. I was so bored, but since I didn't have my notebook to draw in like the other classes, I began to daydream. I was already pretty athletic, so I was only taking this as a requirement.
my mind wandered to Jarrett. I can't believe that it was only the first day of school and I already have a boyfriend. It's crazy how one outfit, and not paying attention can really grab someone's attention. I didn't realize everyone disperse from the spot in the center of the gym to do whatever until Sarah tapped my shoulder. We went to the back of the gym and started on our homework. I forgot you always had it first day. Soon, the class was over and it was time for my second favorite class; history.
We walked into Mrs. Epel's history class and sat in the back like always. the first thing I did was take out my notebook and began to draw again. I picked my head up just as jarrett walked in and winked when we saw me. he walked over to me and Sarah. "is this seat taken?" he asked.
"nope, all yours," I smiled and then went back to drawing. I didn't even realize it, but I had tuned out the world, and didn't notice jarrett trying to talk to me. finally, he threw a piece of paper at my head to get my attention. I glared at him and then realized what had happened. "sorry, I kind of get immersed in my drawing." I whispered.
"it's ok, I just wanted to see what you were drawing," he smiled sweetly at me, like I was the most perfect thing ever.
"oh it's nothing," I closed my notebook and glanced at him. he started reaching towards it but I swatted his hand away. "I don't show anyone my drawings."
"except for me!" beside me Sarah nudged me. "she's not that bad actually, she's just conscious."
"well, if you show your best friend, why can't you show your boyfriend?" he winked.
"even though you are my boyfriend, I still just met you. i didn't start showing Sarah my art till, like, a year ago. and we've been friends since we were born."
"well, you'll have to show me sooner or later," he said and turned back to whatever he was doing before. I opened my notebook again and continued on my drawing. I had started drawing my version of one of my favorite fictional characters; Four. reading and drawing, as well as history, were pretty much everything I cared about. and even though everyone said I was, I didn't think I was too great at drawing, I knew I wasn't.
class ended and it was finally time for lunch. I went to my locker to get my lunch, because I hate school food, when I saw jarret come up to his locker next to mine. "you left class without us!" Sarah whined behind him.
"sorry!" I whined back. "I'm just really hungry!"
"so are we," jarret scoffed. "doesn't mean you had to leave us." they both seemed really mad, so I just hung my head and closed my locker. I began walking away when I heard the two of them laughing. "man! you really are gullible!" I rolled my eyes as I turned around.
"you people!!" I half screamed half laughed. "God! I hate it when you do that to me sarah!"
"well don't be so easy to mess with and I'll stop," she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the cafeteria. jarrett followed closely behind smiling.
lunch was pretty much uneventful, just eating and talking. the three of us sat with some of Jarrett's friends which was pretty fun, I guess. I found guys pretty sexual at times and it made me kind of annoyed.
when math finally came, I was dreading it. I hated and failed at math, so I was never excited. I tried to tune out the teacher and what was going on, but I couldn't. jarrett kept running through my mind, which wasn't the distraction I wanted. I ended up actually paying attention for the first time today. I was waiting for bell to ring, and was all ready to leave, when the phone rang. I jumped up, and then realized what happened and blushed as I sat back down.
after mr. smith got off the phone, he walked over to my desk. "is there something wrong Ashley?" he asked softly.
"no sir," I replied. "I'm just not really good at math."
"I can help you with that. would you like a tutor?"
"no, I'm good. my older brother helps me when I need it."
"ok, but if you ever need extra help, don't be afraid to ask." I just nodded my head and went back to my class work. once the bell finally rang, I almost ran out the door, but I waited for Sarah instead.
"guess what," she whispers in my ear.
"it's finally the class we don't have together?" I smiled and winked at her.
"haha yup!" she gave me hug and skipped off to her photography class. I started heading towards the art room, when I noticed I was being followed. I was about to turn around and yell at the person for being a creep, when I saw who it was.
"hey babe!" jarrett came up, and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"already starting with that, huh?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"it's either that, or I'm gonna kiss you," he winked down at me. 'ugh! why is everyone so much taller than me?' I thought. I rolled my eyes, and continued walking. he did seem to make me smile. "so what class are you going to?" he asked.
"art, with mrs. Marie," I blushed.
"same! I guess we can walk together," he had moved his arm around me to grab my hand. it was comforting and strange at the same time. I'd never really dated anyone, and I still hadn't had my first kiss, so this was new to me. "here we are!" he held the door open like a true gentlemen, and it made my heart skip. we found a spot together in the back and began chatting a little. "so tell me about yourself!" he said eagerly.
"well, I really like art, as you already know, and reading as well." I was about to continue when the bell rang and the teacher walked in. I actually payed attention the whole class, wanting to learn absolutely everything I could.
at the end of the day, I was exhausted. I was so ready to get home. I met Sarah at her locker and we started towards the buses. "wait up Ashley!" I heard a familiar voice call. I turned to see jarrett running towards me. "what bus are you taking?" he asked.
"307?" I asked Sarah.
"317," she replied.
"same!" jarrett grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the bus.
"well you two are close," Sarah winked at me. I rolled my eyes and followed obediently. once on the bus, the three of us say together in the very back. mine and Sarah's stop was the very last, as well as jarrett's as it turned out. I was so tired, I ended up spending most of the bus ride asleep on jarrett, until our stop. he shook me awake and helped me up off the bus.
Once off the bus, Sarah and I started in the direction of our houses. since we lived right next to each other, we decided to go to my house because no one would be home. jarrett was very nice and walked us home. Sarah went inside and left the door open for me. I gave jarrett a hug goodbye, before following her in.

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