Shattering Reality | Teen Ink

Shattering Reality

May 11, 2015
By trackgirl102296 BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
trackgirl102296 BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

James was at a yard sale.  It was the house opposite of his.  Being dragged there by his younger sister to explore the stuffed animal collection.  Due to him being dragged there, James sulked around aimlessly, just waiting for his sister Lily to be done.  James never expected to be interested in any of the stuff the old couple of rags (his neighbors) were selling.  Just as he was about to demand to go home, something caught his eye.  Walking up to the object, James could tell, that it was a lamp, but what caught his eye, was how it wasn’t just one color of metal, it was a mixture of gold, silver, and an almost demonic purple, swirling into an almost infinite point. For some odd reason, James could not tear his eyes away from it, which lead him to buy it and take it home and place it on his nightstand.  He even fell asleep staring at it.
When James woke up, he was astounded, the lamp was gone.  Or at least he thought it was, it wasn’t until careful inspection that he realized it had mysteriously made its way over to his desk.  Seeing it over there worried him, so he immediately got up to retreive it.  Once he got close to it Buster, his middle aged dog, ran up and grabbed the lamp and boltted out the door.  Worried for the well being of the lamp and what it possibly contained.  Realizing what just happened, James sprinted after Buster who was just beginning to dig a infinitely deep hole in his mom’s flower garden, which had just been watered. As James approached, Buster dropped the lamp, James’ lamp, into the hole, then came a shock wave that decapitated all of the flowers in a meters radius, but what was really strange, was that Buster had disappeared.  Completely vanished, but that if anything, brought a smile to James’ face.  He went over to the hole in the ground, and just stared at what he saw, what he saw were a bunch of miniscule alien like creatures that saw him, and ran up to his ears and started to whisper, “Kill them all!” “Death!” “The Master demands it!” and “It must be done!”.
From that moment on, James didn’t care about anything, just doing what he was told. He then go up and went to his family's garage, where he found his father working on James’ car to be.  “Good morning James,” he said, mind handing me that phillips head screwdriver on the workbench?”  In response, all James said was “Death to us all.” In turn, James grabbed the phillips head screwdriver like he was asked, and when his dad looked up at him, he inserted the screwdriver into the jugular, and watched as his father collapsed onto the ground, clawing at his neck for air, but unable to get any, and looked up just in time to see James point down at his dying body and said “The Master is Pleased. . .” before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.  At that moment, his sister, Lily, walks into the room, and with one swift movement, he throws the wrench his father was using to hit her in the side of the head, knocking her to the ground, unconscious, all the while hearing the alien creatures repeatedly scream “Kill the corrupt, cage the innocent!”  With that command, he took his sister by the foot, and with no grace, dragged her up the stairs to the main house, where he proceeded to tie her up with the scarf he took of his mother's body, funny thing he thought, how he couldn’t remember how he killed her, or how many more mothers and fathers were going to die, before The Master was satisfied. But James didn’t care, all he knew, was that he was glad to kill for The Master, as much as needed

“All we can do now is help him relax with some medication, and hope he recovers, sorry Ms.” Dr. George said to Karren, James girlfriend.  She was just at his bed, watching him toss, turn and scream “THE LAMP”, “THE LAMP” over and over.  Karren just could not understand how this happened to him, all that had happened was the dropping and shattering of his Grandmother's lamp.  All she could tell herself was that it was bound to happen, I mean, it happened to his mother and her mother before her.  It always occurred when some sort of family earlobe was destroyed.  Even though it was expected, it always shattered her to see the ones she loves go mad. Deadly mad.

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