A Box | Teen Ink

A Box

May 11, 2015
By MaxCrnkovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
MaxCrnkovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark clouds were low above a small town in Illinois. The roar of thunder was constant over the past few days with the downpour of heavy rain. It matched the situation for a small family of two. A young boy and his mother were all that was left from an exhausting past. A father who chose alcohol over medical bills, an older son who left for the city, choosing money over family. The two that were left is what they all had. A beautiful and a certain retirement was near, hope soon faded away. They were not at home, but rather in a hospital, with the mother in bed and her only friend by her side. He was too young to understand, but knew only that his mother will also leave him soon. A tall man walks in, tears in his eyes, approached the son ... still standing by his mom. Eight years of being taken care of through h--- and back, now taking care for his own mother, too young to leave her by her bedside. The man in a lab coat announces his appearance, “Come on, you don’t need to be here. Lets go.”. A long pause from the son,  tears run down his red cheeks. Lays his hand on top of his mother’s forehead. She wasn’t prepared for this, she moves her head to look away. Hiding her life of long known pain, emotionally and physically that her son had to witness. The son now sits down the first time that day, not to rest, but for one last prayer. A long pause of pleading, with sniffles now and then, fighting back the tears. He gets up and is escorted out of the room. The boy walks away, the last sound he will hear is a long beep. He knew what would happen, his mother told him to be strong. The boy wasn’t strong enough, he collapses to his knees, sobbing. The last of his family, the only one who sacrificed, cared, and loved for him. Now was being escorted out on a gurnee. The doctor lifts the boy up, with a calm presence on his face. “Your mother wanted to give you this.” The doctor puts him down and sits him in the hallway, he then sits next to the boy. The doctor hands the boy a box, nothing special. Black, small, and light when it was held in the small boy’s hands. He opens it up to see one picture upside down, not visible yet until the boy flips it over. He sees a man, like his father, not exactly. No beard, has glasses, partially bald. The man resembles a better version of his father years ago somewhat looked like the doctor. The doctor stood up and turned around, holding his hand out towards the boy, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll never leave you again”.

The author's comments:

A son with his mother together, through tough times in their tragic life, one last time.

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