The Way Home | Teen Ink

The Way Home

May 18, 2015
By Crystal Venegas BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
Crystal Venegas BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was down to my last ten dollars, and I still couldn’t get home, I had to take five busses, and walk three empty blocks. I searched my pockets for loose change, but nothing… My pockets were empty, I was so mad at myself and my parents. We had recently moved to Stinson town a few weeks ago, but it had a major downfall for my parents. It was ruled by technology, and coming from a Mexican ranch background it didn’t fit in with us very well. So my parents decided to move in to the outskirts of town. I wasn’t sure if ten dollars was going to take me all the way back home, and my boots were too old to last walking all the way back. I decided to take the bus, and hoped I had enough money for the whole trip. I sat in the bus stop and recounted my money, I still had ten dollars. The bus stopped and honked at me, I stopped looking at my money and hurried in. I handed the driver two crumbled up dollars and fifty cents. He gave me a smirk and said “Okay go on.” I took my seat and started gazing at the window, I wasn’t really sure what to do. My dad was probably going to kill me if I didn’t get home, and I wouldn’t dare to call him. I remembered what he used to say to me in Spanish when I was small “Un hombre siempre se las arregla solo.” Which meant a true man fixes his problems himself. The bus finally arrived at the station, where everyone had to get off. I searched for my next buss, but it hadn’t arrived yet, so I stayed and waited sitting down in a dirty old bench. The sun was already gone and the bus was nowhere to be seen. I decided to go and ask somebody at the station and see if they knew about any delays. I asked an old man about, he looked at me and said, “Son the station is already closed, there will be no more busses.”

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