Treasure of waukesha county | Teen Ink

Treasure of waukesha county

April 24, 2015
By Anonymous

There are many reasons why I  feel lucky for growing up in the quaint Village of Hartland.  Full of beautiful paths, over the years, I have been able to discover each one. As a child growing up, I spent everyday outside from dawn to twilight. Hartland seems small but with a creative imagination, I was able to mature into the person I’ve become.  The scenic paths in Hartland were my escape from the stresses in life.  Whenever I encountered a bad day or just needed to get away, I would slowly stroll along my favorite path where I could get away.
Many of my adventures simply started with a walk or a bike ride. Never was I disappointed in finding new paths or places to walk. Getting lost in nature and finding something new is what I thrived on and Hartland provided me with all of these opportunities.
The path paths have left me with countless memories and to this day I love to go on walks. I don’t have the same adventures as I use to but I will always have fond memories of them. Hartland is my home where I started as a child, became an adolescent and matured into a young woman.  I look forward to raising my family in this small homegrown town of Hartland and that is why it is my treasure of Waukesha County.

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