Comet, The Big Hit | Teen Ink

Comet, The Big Hit

May 11, 2015
By Brittany Popejoy BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Brittany Popejoy BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Comet, the Big Hit

It was March 17, 2012 when I was given my first puppy. I had just turned thirteen years old and my parents thought I could handle more responsibility. I had wanted a puppy since I was five years old, so I was ecstatic when my dad brought home a puppy with a big red bow on its collar. 
It all started when I was sitting in my room doing homework, then I heard my dad yell my name.
“Charlie! I got a present for you!”
I ran to the living room and saw a black and brown puppy playing with a rope. It was a German Shepard! When I reached the living room, with the biggest smile on my face, the puppy looked up and ran to me. He jumped on my legs and licked me to death. I held the German Shepard in my arms while he gave me kisses. I ran and hugged my mother and father. I gave them a big kiss.
“Thank you mom and dad! I love you guys! I’m going to name him, Comet!”
Comet is my best friend. He is very loving and hyper! We do everything together. We go to the park to play fetch, we watch movies, and whenever my family and I go on vacation I take comet. When my mom makes dinner, we eat at the dining table and Comet always lies under it because he knows I’ll give him whatever I do not like. He is my living garbage disposal! When I go to bed, Comet lies at the end of it to protect me if intruders happen to come in. In the morning he jumps on me to wake me up, he is also my alarm clock! When I go to school, my mom tells me Comet cries and lies right by the door until I get home. After school I run home and right when I open the door, Comet jumps on me and licks me. Even though, he can be a pain by chewing up my belongings and knocking me over almost everyday, I love him to death. I could never stay mad at Comet.
On October 27, 2012 it was a typical school day. I left for school and my mom and dad left to work. We left Comet inside with food and water and he has a dog door to go in and out. After school at 2:10 I went home. when I opened the door comet did not greet me. I got very suspicious because this was the first time he he was not waiting for me by the door.
“Comet! Comet! Comet!”
After I called him for the third time I got really worried. I started to cry, I looked everywhere. I went to the backyard and the gate was open! Comet must of got out!
I called my mom crying, she came home right away. We looked everywhere around the block and then drove all around town. We could not find Comet anywhere. I was devastated. We called the pound to se if anyone brought in or reported a German Shepard.
“No we have not ma’am, I am very sorry. We will call if we hear or see anything.”
“Thank you sir.”
I haven’t seen Comet for two days. My mother and I even put up signs, but there was not any responses. I have lost all hope. I miss my best friend.
That night it started to rain. I was crying in my bed. Then I heard a scratching noise. I thought it was just the bushes rubbing against my window, but then I heard a whining noise. I flung the door open and ran outside. Comet came running to me, knocking me over. I gave him the biggest hug. We were both soaking wet, so my mom cleaned him up while I got changed. It was now time for bed. That night Comet slept with me. I cuddled with him all night.
“I love you Comet, do not scare me like that again!”

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