The Life of a Bullied Teenager | Teen Ink

The Life of a Bullied Teenager

June 4, 2015
By Kellergirl05 BRONZE, Taylor, Wisconsin
Kellergirl05 BRONZE, Taylor, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey there!  I’m Jessica Kast and I am a high school student at the Academy of The Arts.  Let me tell you some things from the past first.  Last year I was really popular and no one made fun of me.  They all wanted to be MY friend.


I was super excited for high school but then I wasn’t so popular. There are a lot more people than I had expected, and a lot of drama, one thing I hate. I lost a few friends but then gained some too!  A few weeks ago people just started spreading rumors over rumors over rumors about me.  It has been really hard.  So far I have lost almost all of my friends for it.  I try to make them understand none of it is true.

It all started when I made a decision to go drinking with a few friends and did some stuff.  Honestly, I think the people saying all the rumors are just already below me so that is why they talk about me.  I would also like to thank my best guy friend Dillon Sindt for being here for me through everything.  We are both basketball players so we go shoot hoops every night to talk about all of the dumb things people like to say.

I recently got a boyfriend that is amazing but people can’t keep their mouths shut about it.  I just laugh because they are all jealous.  The sad thing that happens is I used to cut myself because of it but then Dillon walked in on me one day and stopped me from hurting myself again.  Sometimes suicide has been on my mind and I really wish all of it would go away. 

At school today I was bullied so much, I ran home, sat in bed, and made a video saying goodbye to everyone.  I dont care if we weren’t friends but I posted it.  This is goodbye….. Goodbye to all of the friends I did have.  Goodbye to my best friend Dillon.  I never had the chance to tell him but I really liked him. I loved Dillon.  Good bye world.


Im Chelsea, my best friend just killed herself… I seen her video and I felt terrible.  I had no idea she was getting bullied so bad.  I drove to Jessica’s house to see her and to make sure she didn’t kill herself.  I got there and fell to the floor crying.  I called Dillon and he dropped his phone.  We have no idea what we are gonna do… Tomorrow is Jessica’s funeral and I dont even know if I can budge to go.  I know she was my best friend and all but it’s hard because I did not get to her in time to try and save her. 

Today is Jess’s funeral.  I’m in my black casual dress that she loved.  I wrote a speech, but do I want to say it?  I can’t say it, im speechless.

It’s monday and the first day of school without her.  It is weird. Dillon and I were thinking about starting a new club for people who are getting bullied so no one else loses their best friend.  I have 13 members by the time of 6th hour.  It is pretty sad how many people have joined already.  One of them includes Jess’s boyfriends brother.  I don’t know what to say to him he was like a brother to her.  I can’t do it.  I can’t live without her. Good bye.

The author's comments:

I just really want to get this out there.  I think bullying is going to far

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