Impressions and Intentions | Teen Ink

Impressions and Intentions

June 2, 2015
By Alexandra Goldenberg BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
Alexandra Goldenberg BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brring! The first bell rang loud and clear, echoing through the hallways.

“Time for first class! Hurry up children you don’t have weights on your feet get a move on!” Mrs. Linker yelled, rushing all the kids out of the hallway.
Great, another day of school. New school, new strangers to be crammed in the same room with me, just thrilled to be here. Elizabeth thought to herself, sarcastically.
Across the hall, another girl with similar thoughts as Elizabeth quickly walked to her classroom. The girl’s name was Joy.
“Hello dear. You must be the new girl. My name is Mrs. Linker. What is your name?” Mrs. Linker said cheerfully as she opened the door to her classroom.
“My name is Joy.” Joy responded calmly.
“Well Joy, welcome to The School Of Dance. I will be your teacher for Ballet and English. I am very pleased to meet you.”
“Thank you Mrs. Linker.”Joy said as she walked around Mrs. Linker to her first class.
Bump! “Sorry! First day of school jitters. My name is Elizabeth. What's your name?” Elizabeth said looking at Joy, who was still picking her books off the ground.
“It’s ok. My name is Joy. Got to go.” Joy said as she rushed passed Elizabeth, not making eye contact. 
Whats wrong with her? Does she think that she is so much better than me, that she can act that rude? Elizabeth  thought to herself, angrily and hurt.
Elizabeth quickly brushed her long, soft, blond hair into a tight bun, adjusted the bubble-gum-pink tutu around her waist, and quickly walked into the music-filled ballet room.
“Good Joy, extend even more on those leaps.” Mrs. Linker yelled as Joy was dancing.
“Elizabeth you're up!” Mrs. Linker said, once Joy was done.
Leaping, and twirling across the floor Elizabeth felt herself getting dizzier and dizzier by the second.
“Elizabeth you look like you've never danced in your life! Straighten your legs!”
Elizabeth felt sweat beading on her forehead and neck.
Once Elizabeth was done she looked at Mrs. Linker.
“Elizabeth! What was that? Your legs were bent, your back was arched , and your toes weren't even pointed!”
Elizabeth, a frightened field mouse felt her ears turning bright red.
“Elizabeth, I am sorry if I am hurting your feelings, but I am giving you constructive criticism. You are way too sensitive. What would you do when you are in a company, and they are ten times harder on you? Would you just stand there and cry about it? Or would you look at those corrections as a advantage to get better?”
Throat tightening, tears falling, Elizabeth ran out of the room, and locked herself in a bathroom stall.
“Elizabeth? Are you in here?” Joy said softly as she walked into the bathroom.
“What do you want?” Elizabeth said in between sniffles.
“I just wanted to see if you were ok, and if you wanted some company.” Joy said softly.
“Don’t you hate me though?” Elizabeth said, still sniffling.
“No! Why would you think that?” Joy responded shocked.
“Because you wouldn’t look at me when I accidently bumped into you.” Elizabeth said surprised.
“I didn’t look at you, because I was nervous also. You weren’t the only new girl, you know.” Joy responded.
“Oh, I just thought maybe it was because you were all snotty, and I wasn’t cool enough for you.” Elizabeth said, now opening the stall door.
“I guess we both thought different things without asking each other.” Joy said smiling as she gave Elizabeth a hug.
“I’m really sorry, for thinking mean things about you.” Elizabeth said.
“It’s fine.” Joy said.
Brring!  “Hurry up children!” Mrs. Linker yelled, rushing the kids out of the hallway.
Great another day of school. Can’t wait. Elizabeth thought to herself sarcastically.
Across the hall, another girl with similar thoughts as Elizabeth quickly walked to her classroom. The girl’s name was Joy.

The author's comments:

I decided to share this wirting becuase, I got inspired by the qoute "We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions" Said by Stephen R. Covery. This is a very important quote to me, beucase when someone tells a joke and they believe it is funny, while other people might look at it in another way, such as hurtful.  I thought it would be a cool way to show readers a life leson within a creative, fun story.

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