The Escape | Teen Ink

The Escape

June 1, 2015
By Ceverhardus213 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
Ceverhardus213 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boom!!! was the sound that I woke up to today, my names Jim and it was my second week in prison. I sat up and saw the same thing that I see everyday, but this time there was smoke outside my cell door. It was a grayish-black color. Shaking, rattling and screeching, something blew up.I wondered if somebody had escaped, then I knew, I saw a man punch a guard in the face and knocked him out. I was scared, I thought to myself. I got even more scared when he grabbed the keys and started walking my way. He yelled at me from down the hall his voice was deep and raspy, it gave me the chills. He went and opened my cell door and told me to follow him I did what he said, I didn't have a choice who knew what he would do to me. We started to run down the hall passing people that were yelling at us to let them out to, but we just kept going.

We saw the doors he bolted to them, so I guess I should do the same. We got to the doors they were locked. I looked back and there were guards coming at us with guns they were in shock. I looked over my shoulder and told him he got worried then he had a plane he just kicked the door down. We started to sprint out the door and we darted to the woods. We were trapped there were barbed wire fences. The man went and rolled right over it and and had scars all over his arms. I climbed over and had the same thing happen I had scratches all over, but he made me keep going. Feet sliding, hands bruising, we climbed the fence. The spikes were a monster. We sprinted towards the woods, we had to dodge trees as we were running.
We finally had been running for more than a mile and think it was far enough so we took a break. The forest was dark and gloomy. I asked the man what his name was he said Dave and asked what my name was and I said Jim.We talked for a while and I realized that he went to jail for killing a man, that made me more nervous but I had no choice.We went to bed right in the middle of the forest but somebody had to keep watch Dave said he would. I was fine with that I was tired. He woke me up before  the sun even rose and told me to run I got up and started hearing dog barks I knew the police were almost hear. looked back and there were dogs right behind me and getting close, one jumped right onto my arm the pain hurt a lot, hurt more that anything, it really hurt. The dog, an enormous brown beast, kept charging me. It was like getting shot in the arm. Cops completely filled the area around me, standing there, strong deadly and angry. They took me to the cop car, I looked back and dave was gone he must have left without me. We went back to the jail and they put me back in my cell for life in prison. I can't believe that boom was the first thing I heard today.

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