Coconut Island | Teen Ink

Coconut Island

June 1, 2015
By Anonymous

HONK! HONK! The ship blew its horn as it came to a stop on shore.  The people who were already on there swarmed off like people in downtown New York City.   Elisey had always liked the show Survivor and wanted to try it on her own.  Elisey, an adventurous girl, was ready for Survivor. She was dressed in athletic shorts and a t-shirt.

Struggling, she rushed through the maze and onto her ship. As soon as she boarded the ship, Geo greeted her with a hug. She was doing the Survivor experiment alone so it would be even more difficult. 
The ship started up with a big rumble.  She went up to the top deck to relax for her long ride to the island in the middle of nowhere.  Once she went up the steps and was on the top she peeked over the railing and there was a huge tiger shark.  It gave her the butterflies in her tummy.   “If I fall in I will get eaten by the shark,” she thought to herself.
She had fallen asleep and she awakened to the sound of Geo screaming.  Then all of a sudden she realized that the boat was rocking back and forth like crazy and that if she was close enough to the edge, she would for sure fall in.  Luckily she was in the middle so she wasn’t close enough for that to happen.  She started thinking about that shark again and that it couldn't’ have gone that far away in just a half hour, so she got the butterfly feeling in her tummy again.  She rushed down the stairs and into where Geo was.  She was so scared her eyes were watering and she was about to cry.  She realized this was the start of her survivor experience.
The boat was still rocking back and forth like never before.  The ship has obviously big, but the waves may have been too big for this  ship to handle.  The rails on the upper deck were pure glass, and on one side she couldn’t see the water at all, on the other side she could almost reach her arm out and touch the water.
The waves were that big.  The waves began to grow larger and she began to feel dizzy.  Her stomach ached and her face grew pale.  She had the feeling that the butterflies were just getting bigger and bigger in her stomach and that soon they would float away up and out of her mouth. She had the feeling she was going to get sick. The feeling I just couldn’t handle. The boat went over the biggest wave yet.  This time the boat threw her across the upper deck. She screamed so loud Geo yelled to me ,
“Are you okay?”
I replied “No, I am about to fall off the edge.”
The water was literally one foot away from her. She whipped her head side to side.  She felt a little tug on her hair that was dangling in the water.  The first thought that came to her was
“The shark.”
Elisey quickly threw her head directly behind her and into the water.  What did she see? Was it the shark? No! It was just a little Nemo looking fish that was smiling at her!  She was so caught up at how cute the fish was she forgot what was happening. She needed to keep an eye out for that shark!  The boat went over the next wave and she went flying across the upper deck for the second time.  This time was worse.  She flew onto her back and her head slammed against the glass so hard she almost passed out. She felt as if she had been here for a hundred years! Everything went black for a minute, but she was okay.  She slowly stood up and right when she did the boat went over another huge wave and her legs flew over the edge.  Her hands reached out from under her and grabbed the handle.  The blue-green wave washed under her. Sweating and slipping her slimy body grabbed for dear life.  She looked down at the water, blue and clear and looked around and Wow, there it was the big tiger shark. Her brown eyes twinkling, sparkling. and mysterious, as she looked over her shoulder. Flopping and swimming around, the shark looked for something tasty to eat. She was screaming so loudly, panicking about what would happen, and hoping she’d be okay. Her hands still sweating they slipped right off the handle and she fell right into the water.  The ship kept going and she knew her only chance was to swim to the island she could see.  The island was only a short swim away but still the shark was in the water and she knew she was risking her life.
She swam from where she fell in to where she could just touch the bottom of the water where the sand was all mushy and the seaweed crawled up her legs. She touched the edge of the sand and collapsed right then and there.  She lay there for about ten seconds when she realized she hadn’t eaten for hours and hours.  Of course she had no clue where she was so she stood up and started looking around.  There was no building or anything in sight! The one thing that caught her eye was her biggest fear in the whole world. Coconuts! There were about twenty palm trees lined up at the shore and right there, was a pile of coconuts just lying there.  She thought to herself, “If that’s the only thing there is I better face my fear and crack it open and eat it!”
That’s exactly what she did. She cracked it open and ate it!
HONK! HONK! Went my alarm.  It was time to get up and go to school. That was a terrifying dream!

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