Saying Goodbye to Summer | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye to Summer

June 1, 2015
By spogione114 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
spogione114 BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the top of my bedroom ceiling, I lay sprawled across my bed, tears running down my cheeks. My floral bedspread is tangled up and my pillows are pushed to the end of my bed, so I get up, pull my blankets to the top, and throw my pillows back onto my bed as well. I plop onto my bed and lay down once more, letting out a big sigh that lewers my cat Moji into my room. He jumps right onto my bed, and my tired arms reach to pick him up to sit him on my stomach. His soft purrs calm be down a little, but then the calmness goes away in a split second. “Why did this have to happen to her? Of all people, why her?” The thought just kept running, over and over in my head, “Why her? Why her...”
It all started 3 months ago, it was bright, colorful, sunny fall day, and there was 4 days left of school before vacation. My best friend Summer and I always rode our bikes on our favorite route to school: Through the leafy path in the woods, over the bridge covering the cold creek, and across the crosswalk continuing down the street to school. On this day, we were just heading across the bridge, Summer and I looked at eachother laughing, seeing a couple lively squirrels play tag throughout the large oak trees. We came up upon the crosswalk, so we stopped, looked left, looked right, then slowly started forward.
It was at this point in time that Summer’s, and my world turned upside down. “We should have looked left again.” I remember thinking to myself. “If only we looked left again.”  “BEEEEEP!!!” the car horn blared. Summer and I turned our heads for a split second, just to see the shiny red Mustang, hurtling straight towards us. Summer got hit first. Then me. The car hit her straight on. Summer toppled over onto me, and the car hit both of us again. It felt like everything had stopped. It felt like, this is the moment I was going to die, and then everything went black. The last thing I saw was the car, and Summer’s horrified face. I could tell she was thinking the same thing as me, “Are we going to live? Why did this have to happen? Why to us?” In this point in time, everything just stopped.
The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. Wounded badly, Summer was layed in the bed next to mine, still asleep, with her left leg in a cast, bandages around her forehead and around her arms. She looked like a crushed ant, trampled on by an angry stampede of bulls. I felt so bad for her….then I remembered, I probably look the same. I looked forward just to see that I was right, my leg was in a cast and I had many bandages on as well.
The hospital room was quite bland. The walls were painted a faded blue with a couple crooked picture hanging on them. There were a few chairs, an old wooden table and a small TV hooked up to the wall. And of course there were our beds, with a darker blue cloth curtain pulled back between us.
“Oh, looks like someone’s awake.” I heard the nurse say, then my mom walked into the room.
“Hi honey, how are you feeling?”
“Fine, I guess.” I said, “Is Summer okay? I’m really worried about her.” I said weakly.
“Summer is doing just fine.” said the nurse. I let out a big sigh of relief.
The next couple days were kinda a blur, with all the pain medication, but it seemed like Summer and I were doing some what better. After a week or two I was almost healed and was walking around on crutches. But not Summer, she was still in bed, laying sickly with no where to go. Then the thought crossed my mind, “What if Summer doesn't get better?....Of course she has to get better at some point, right? Thats what the nurse said. But why isn’t she healing like I did? Is something else wrong?” I couldn’t help but think about Summer for the next month. I hated to see her like this….my best friend, her beautiful blonde hair, emerald eyes, amazing personality. But now, she’s crippled and lonely inside. The accident changed her. The accident took away my best friend.
Staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the top of my bedroom ceiling, I lay sprawled across my bed, tears running down my cheeks. “Why did this have to happen to her? Of all people, why her?” The thought just kept running, over and over in my head,“Why her? Why her...Summer, my best friend, I miss you so much.”

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