The Life of Croc Garrett | Teen Ink

The Life of Croc Garrett

June 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Croc Garrett was a 15 year old boy who lived in Northfield, Minnesota with his mom and dad. He lived in a little boathouse on a small lake. Croc’s family had passed the little boathouse on for generations. The boathouse had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a small kitchen, and a small living area. He lived near another boathouse where a kid his same age lived. Croc’s friend was named Axle. They loved to hunt, fish, and sail a small boat on the lake.

One day, Croc and Axle were fishing and had caught a few small fish when suddenly Croc’s line got caught on something that seemed to be glimmering under the very hot sun. This weather was a rare occasion since they lived in Minnesota where it was usually cold and cloudy. Both Croc’s and Axle’s families were poor so they knew they had to retrieve his fishing line. They had to retrieve it so they would be able to catch fish to eat. The boys ran to get their tools so they could get the line unstuck. Croc grabbed some tools and rushed out before his parents got home. Axle and Croc dove into the water and saw that the line was stuck under a giant golden nugget. They picked up the heavy nugget, retrieved the fishing line and then swam to the shore of the lake. The boys then raced back to the boathouse and got a scale. Axle and Croc laid the golden nugget on the scale.
“What is the number Axle?” asked Croc.
“I think it says 56.5 pounds!” said Axle.
“How much is that worth, Croc?” asked Axle.
Since Croc had recently watched a documentary on gold, he knew the price of an ounce of gold was almost $1,200.
“All of that gold is worth nearly $1,100,000.00!” said Croc excitedly.
After weighing the gold, the boys went back down to the lake to catch dinner. While they were fishing, they looked up and saw a huge black cloud approaching. Croc and Axle then felt some rain so they started to gather up their fishing supplies. As they were walking back towards their boathouses, it started to rain like cats and dogs. The boys sprinted back to their homes. Once they arrived, they went into Croc’s house because both Croc and Axle’s parents were out together shopping. They started to watch the television and heard Croc’s parents small Ford pickup pull into the driveway. Axle and Croc couldn’t wait to tell their parents the news about what they had found. Their parents would be so excited that they would no longer be poor. When Axle and Croc’s parents walked in the door, they seemed upset so Axle and Croc decided to leave them alone because the boys thought that it might just add fuel to the fire if they bothered them.
Axle and Croc decided to sit outside until things cleared up inside. They waited for nearly thirty minutes. Then both of their parents came out and and asked Axle and Croc if they were ready to chow down. Their parents seemed happier. As the families were eating dinner, the parents told Axle and Croc that a rich guy was going to destroy their houses and build a five star resort on the lake. Axle and Croc told their parents that they may have something that could save the property.  The parents quickly asked how they could do it. Croc then showed them the nugget of gold. They asked how much is was worth. Axle told them that it was worth $1,100,000.00. Axle and Croc’s parents went crazy. They called the rich man and told him they had enough money to buy the property and said that they would like to cancel the demolition process.
The rich man called back the next day and said he would charge them $250,000 dollars to stop the process and buy the property. Axle and Croc’s parents said yes and told the man they would meet him in a few hours. Their parents were so proud and thankful of what the boys had found. Their parents told them they would be back in about an hour because they had to meet the man. Once their parents left, Croc and Axle went to Axle’s house to get their hunting supplies. They got their guns, which were all tore up due to how old they were, and headed to the woods. Once they arrived in the woods, Axle noticed a deer standing near them. Croc slowly c***ed his gun and aimed his sight right at the deer. He was about to pull the trigger when he heard, “Hacchuu!” Axle had sneezed and the deer fled.
Axle apologized to Croc for making them have to go back to square one. Later, the boys saw a family of rabbits. They set a little trap for the rabbits and headed back to their boathouses hoping they would catch something.  When Axle and Croc returned home, their parents pulled up in two new 2015 Ford pickups with the backs filled with lots of guns, food, and new fishing supplies. Additionally, attached to the back of one of the pickups there was a huge recreational vehicle. On the other pickup, there was a giant trailer filled with four four-wheelers and tents. Axle and Croc started to scream and cry tears of joy because they were so happy. Axle and Croc’s parents told them to jump in the recreational vehicle because they were going on a week-long camping trip. Once inside the boys saw a giant television, ten beds, a bathroom, and a big kitchen. Next, they found two boxes in the recreational vehicle with their names on them. Axle and Croc opened the boxes and both found an Apple Watch, an Iphone 6, and a $50,000 check to get them into college one day. The boys were extremely happy. Later, they arrived at the camping spot.
Croc and Axle lived great lives back at the new and improved boathouses until they both went to college. Croc and Axle attended the University of Minnesota and studied business.  After college the young men lived happily in their own boathouses near their parents. Croc and Axle later became rich after creating a famous hunting company that made millions of dollars.

The author's comments:

It is about a 2 teens who find gold worth millions of dollars just in their backyards.

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