Fear! | Teen Ink


June 1, 2015
By helpme0814 BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
helpme0814 BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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I walk in and my mom tells me to sit down on the cold leather seats and wait, they’ll call my name eventually. I bite my lip and sit down, taking out my phone and scrolling through the endless text posts and pictures. I feel my stomach drop as a woman clutching a clipboard strolls out. She calls out my little brother’s name. I glance at him, and notice that the light from his eyes drains away and all I can see is pure terror. He gets up and hangs his head, his feet dragging as the woman escorts him around the corner.
After a couple minutes of anxiety and suspense, the woman walks in and calls out a name. My name. I tense and grimace. I look up and lock my phone, and stuff it into my pocket. I wave at her, and she smiles and presses the clipboard to her chest. “Follow me.”
I look back to peer at my mom one last time. She smiles softly as I give her a “please save me” look.
The woman brings me to my own isolated room, and tells me to sit down. I sit on the cheap leather, and the woman gives me a bib. A bib. Just in case I vomit on myself before he comes around. She sits on a chair by my seat, and press down on a pedal connected to my chair. Soon my chair starts to recline until I am laying down. She pulls up a small board and shows me her tools
Her tools are all cold, metal, and evil. Wiped clean with the best sanitizer, the smell engulfs me and burns my nose. She shines a light in my face and tells me to open up.
The torture has begun. On one end of one of the tools it’s a mirror, and the other, a curved sharp hook. I’m pretty sure it’s equivalent to a fishing hook. She scrapes me clean, and frowns when I start bleeding. She tells me that I must do a better job next time. Her scolding is quick and never bothers me. She returns to her work.  When she’s done with that she gives me water in a foam cup. I want to drink, but she tells me to spit in a mini toilet. All dignity is lost when I lean back after spitting and a trail of saliva connects us and the mini toilet, as if we had an intense make-out session.
Soon she shoves in a mold in my mouth with bubblegum paste on it. I gag, my eyes watering and my mouth drying more from the plastic. She doesn’t notice and after a couple agonizing seconds she pulls it out. She tells me she’s going to get him. My heart drops and I become pale. He’s coming.
She leaves my isolated room and I’m alone, nervously clawing on the cheap leather and wiggling my toes in my shoes. It isn’t long before he comes in. He smiles, I pull of a weak smile back. He pulls up his seat and tells me to open up. His large belly is resting beside my ear. As he’s working his belly rumbles and gurgles. 
He only takes two minutes until he declares that he’s done and I can leave. Relief sweeps over me. I spring up and hurry to my mom. She greets me with a smile and I notice my little brother has come out safe too. She goes to pay the lady, and my little brother and I put on our jackets, excited and eager to leave this evil, evil place. As I go to leave, the lady behind the counter says, “See you in six months!”
Yeah, I won’t be looking forward to it.

The author's comments:

This is my fear! Try to guess it!

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