Maybe this is the best…. or not? | Teen Ink

Maybe this is the best…. or not?

June 9, 2015
By Thojkabyeebyaj BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Thojkabyeebyaj BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
trust no one if you cannot trust yourself.

    ‘Friends and love are nothing but distraction and obstacle that will ll pull me down.’ This is what I always thought about love and friends. Everything will be much easier if I have no friends or anyone.
     I’ve never make any friend in Fern Bacon Middle school or in Elementary school. I only talk to people but I don’t consider them as friend because when I have something I’m interested in, I’m starting to lose track. I don’t want to like or love anyone or to be loved by them. I’m go to school and met a guy name Mathew. We never talk much only about classwork.
    Two years have passed and now I’m a high school student at Luther Burbank High School. This is the high school that my sister go to. High school is just too much, the school area is much bigger than a middle school area, and the class are just too hard. I remember when I first go into high school there are more obstacle than I thought there would be. Like PE, Math, and worse history. I’m suck at remembering the story or where the state is. Another thing is I want to hang out with my sister but she always shoved me off.  Every time I did I always heard “I don’t want my friend to ask too much questions about us! You also have your own friend to talk to too. Go hang out with them!”
    I have no friend and I don’t even know if anyone I know will be here. I feel like I want to change when I look at her how much friends she get and how much they got along, unlike me. I feel like I’m won’t be able to survive in High school if I don’t have any friends. I start to make friend and talk much more with people I know from Middle school. I remember asking my friend Mathew ‘since when are we friend.’ For sure there was no answer to that question. I’m a person that got distracted easily. If I have a problem with my friend I can’t focus on my education. My grade will free fall like rain drops. That is why I hate having friend or love anyone.
    I did very well on my education a while after I’m friend with Mathew. I learned that there are possible outcome on having friend or friends. I met another person from my Middle school one month after school began. I hang out with her more but we don’t have class together. We get along very well but there start to have a distant because of classes. When she found new friend we don’t talk much anymore. I hang out with them and they seem to be in their own huge different world. I feel like I don’t belong there.
    After that experience I feel like I shouldn’t accept people easily. I slack off on my education because of my friends.  Maybe I should turn back to be the old me. This doesn’t look like me. I did much better on my education without having friends because maybe I’m too easy to worry or distract. I talk with my guy friend, Mathew, every time when we have class together. We did our work, but talk too much sometime. This is the first time I feel like I have a real friend. It was fun to be with him. He is like a real older brother to me.
    My class are not that hard if I know my teacher and have more confidence in myself. Sometime I’m too scared to take risk, but I now that I can also learn from it. My history class was easy when I know more people and know my teacher better. She has the loudest voice a teacher can have, which is cool to me. My other class start to get a lot much better when I just forget about other stuff and focus on my education, and my true friend. Not my English though I’m suck at writing and reading. Time goes very fast and it’s already sophomore year. I think back to when I first came to Luther Burbank High School make me laughed, because I feel like those education or worksheet are much easier than what I have now, except English class. I guess I shouldn’t turn back to my old self anymore because I love how my education is set and how everything are. I feel like I can overcame every obstacle in school and do better if I try harder.

The author's comments:

I want to write out how I am like in Middle and High School as a remmories, so when i came back and read I'll know and won't forget my other side or how i use to be.

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