Hunters | Teen Ink


June 12, 2015
By Nateirish BRONZE, Redlands, California
Nateirish BRONZE, Redlands, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life finds a way.

He woke up to the smell of the forest and the sound of distant roars of challenge. He groggily got to his feet and shook off the soil from his black skin. He let out a long yawn showing his razor sharp teeth and purple tongue, he slowly looked around with his bright blue eyes, he scratched the small feathers on top of his head then went to wake up the others. He let out the morning call to wake the rest of the pack, the others slowly began to wake and shake the soil from them. Once all of the pack was awake he let out the call for the hunters. Four other raptors ran up to him as he began walking into the forest, they remained quiet as the stalked a large plant eater in the middle of a clearing.

With a small hiss the four others jumped onto the beast while he stayed behind to watch and wait, after it was low enough he charged it and sank his long claw into the throat of the beast. With a wheeze it collapsed on the floor with a dull thud, they began the slow process of dragging the beast back to the pack. Once they return, all of the others come to see what he has brought back from the hunt. The little ones began to jump up on to him once he laid down to rest; he allows them to because they will hunt later on in their lives.

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