Mother | Teen Ink


May 25, 2015
By Ian12345 BRONZE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Ian12345 BRONZE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The morning was quiet and still.


I woke up early realizing that I had to go to my dumb Mom's house.


It always took an  hour drive to that hole, plus with my sister in the back screaming her head off my mood worsened.  She may only be seven but that doesn't mean she can't sit still.


We arrive at the South End.  I mean, it's not like the house we have, it doesn't even have a pool.  Who doesn't have a pool these days? Apparently her.


Enthusiastic, man, she is wayyyy too enthusiastic to see us.  Always a big hug and a slobbery kiss, maybe even worse than my grandma which is saying something.  She has a tall build and a short torso.  She has long brown hair and always wears old navy jeans that, knowing her, she most likely fond at Goodwill.  


"I'm so excited to see you guys! Are you excited to see the Easter Bunny?" she ends the sentence with  an ear to ear grin but I just roll my eyes.

Sophie of course says, "Yay!!! Easter Bunny!!" or something like that.  I tend to drown out her high pitched voice.

"The only reason I'm here is because I didn't have a choice." I snark.

She ignores me like every other time I say something like that.  I guess she may be as sick of me as I am of her already.


"Michael time for dinner!"

"K, Be right down!" or nah, I thought.


Sevenor so minutes had gone by and she stands at the doorway looking furious as she stares at me.


"Get downstairs.  Now."


"You're no the boss of me.  You can't tell me what to do," I grumble back.


"I am your mother, get downstairs and spend quality time with me Sophie!" I could tell she was on the verge of completely flipping out so I did as she said and went to eat some dinner.


It was actually really good. That is what I forgot about Mom... she's an amazing cook and makes the best ham ever.


"Who's ready for some coconut custard pie?"


"Oh! Oh! Me! Me!" Sophie yelled.


She found my weak spot.


For like forever I have loved coconut custard pie.  Ever since i was five, I would always ask my Mom to make it, and when she did it was amazing.  Our nanny could never make it like she could.  It was like she added an ingredient nobody else in the world could.


"Hey Michael... I know you want some..." she was waving the pie towars me as my mouth began to water.


"Uh...  I guess I'll have some if you insist." I was dying over here-- Just give it to me.


I inhaled the pie tasting fast moving pieces of coconut and custard as it sank down my throat.


"Michael want fourths?"


"Nah Mom.  I'm all good thanks though."


"Alright, well then I'm gonna go to bed.  Don't be up too late."


"Alright thanks Mum, love ya!" Wait what did I say?


"What did you just say?"


"Oh I didn't say anything Mom.  You must be tired now.  Just go to sleep."


I could see her smile as she walked up the stairs.

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