My First Day of High School | Teen Ink

My First Day of High School

July 3, 2015
By ShayCollett BRONZE, Leslie, Kentucky
ShayCollett BRONZE, Leslie, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

They say high school is the best four years of your life. Based on my first day I'm hoping that that's a joke and life gets better, or I just had a bad day.

Let me tell you what happened. It all started this morning when I was rudely awoken by the blaring off my phones alarm. I would love to say that waking up at 5:30 am covered in drool was the worst part of my day, but sadly it wasn't.

When I looked in the mirror the only thing I saw was the large, red pimple on the corner of my nose. Isn't it just great how you can go to sleep with a blemish free face and wake up the next morning, one of the most important mornings of your life, with a zit bigger than Texas. I tried covering it up, but no amount of concealer could hide it. It was like trying to hide Harry Styles in a group of 15 year old girls.

After coming to terms that makeup wouldn't cover the horrible growth up I decided to google a fast way to get rid of it. According to the internet, all I had to do was soak my pimple in lemon juice for ten to fifteen minutes and avoid putting makeup on after it was removed. Well it would have been helpful to know I was allergic to lemon juice. That's right I'm severely allergic to lemon juice. Instead of removing the pimple it broke out not just the area around the pimple, but also the whole left side of my face. I tried putting makeup on it, but to even slightly cover it up I used more than Snooki did in 2010 and my mom made me take it off and only wear a "subtle amount".

After giving up on my face I decided I killed enough time and I needed to fix my hair. My blonde hair is down to about the bottom of my rib cage and pretty much naturally straight, except for the ends, because they curl up. Oh, and on rainy days it all kinda just kinks up and looks like I haven't combed it in three weeks. I just decide to straighten it because I'm running low on time, thanks to my face malfunction.

After hair comes wardrobe. I picked my outfit out three weeks before school started. It consisted of a cobalt blue tank top, white lace shorts, gladiator sandals, a few plain bracelets and a layered necklace. I didn't have any problems with my outfit thankfully.

I skip breakfast, due to having three minutes to get to the bus stop in. I barely make it and when I get on I have to sit by myself. I also get bawled out by my bus driver, Hank.

When we get to school everyone rushes off of the bus, looking for friends. I, on the other hand make my way to the orientation table to pick up my class schedule. I have all honors classes, and I have French and Spanish. Each student is only required to take one language and I chose Spanish. I walk by to the administration table to try and sort it out.

"Mrs. Fluke," I say to the teacher who handed me my schedule, "there has been a mistake. I'm enrolled in French and Spanish, but I only signed up for Spanish."

"Let me see." She studies my schedule for a moment then hands it back. "I'm not sure why you're enrolled in both, but you are and if you drop a class you'll have to wait until the first semester is completed and then if you drop it, it will be a zero on your record."

Flabbergasted, I realize what she's saying. The school messes up on my classes and I'm the one who has to suffer.

"Isn't there a way that we can fix my schedule? I mean the first day hasn't even started."

"I'm sorry, uh what's you're name?"

"Jenny, Jenny Clifford."

"Yes well Jenny, there is nothing I can do. The classes are already set up. The only thing I can do is wish you luck. So, good luck and have a great first day."

I walk away and not in the best mood. I mean half of my face looks like a chemistry test gone wrong, my class schedule is messed up and can't be fixed, and I'm starving because I didn't eat.

It's only 7:47 and school doesn't start until eight, so I wander around looking for my friends. I only have three close friends; Rachel, Lauren, and Mackenzie.

Rachel is this brainiac that may discover the cure for aids. She's definitely going Ivy League, no question. Last year she was captain of the academic team, in the drama club, AV club, Class President, caption of the debate team, and she volunteers every weekend and summer.

Lauren on the other hand is going to be lucky to get into community college. It's not that she isn't smart she just doesn't care. The only thing she cares about is soccer and boys.

Mackenzie is kinda a mixture of them she's okay at school, but her passion is gaming. She will stay up for two days straight playing some game with people she met over the internet. Not to sound like an overprotective mom or anything, but I'm not sure that's safe.

I haven't talked to them much over the summer. Rachel spent her whole summer on a mission trip to South America, Lauren went to soccer camp for a month and I'm not sure if Mackenzie left her room.

I on the other hand got my phone taken away for a month and a half because I broke my little brothers arm. It wasn't all my fault though; he didn't have to help me find out what happens when you've never taking gymnastics, but try one of those flips where you twist in the air. Okay so maybe it was my idea, but I thought I could catch him. How was I supposed to know I wasn't strong enough to flip a ten year old boy?

The first one of my friends I see is Lauren. She looks nothing like she did last year. She's wearing a spaghetti strap tank top and a mini skirt, something she used to not even own. She also had own black shiny stilettos. I approach the group of girls she's with and I can't believe she's with the Bees, the most popular girls in high school, who never let freshmen around them.

"Uh hey Lauren." As soon as I utter the words all seven of the Bees turn around. The Bees consist of seven girls, but I only know the leader, Madison Mcallister and Lauren.

"Lar, who is this?" A blonde girl asks.

"It's an old friend Amanda. Uh, it was good seeing you again Jen."

The clique walks off and I hear them whispering about my face. Like yes my face is broke out it happens in life.

I know that friendships get tested in high school, but the first day of school? School hasn't even started and I just lost my best friend and I don't even know why. It's a strange thing, how you go from being friends to, well I'm not sure what, but definitely not friends in such a short period of time.

I stand there trying to just take in everything of this horrible morning. I think about calling Mom and having her pick me up, but school hasn't started and I highly doubt she would pick me up. Even if she would I really need to stay and figure out what kind of teachers I'm stuck with. The bell rings and I'm off to homeroom.

"Hello, students I'm Mrs. Tunner, your homeroom teacher. This isn't middle school and a lot more will be expected from you. This is only a ten minute period though and I really couldn't care less what you do in here as long as it's legal and no one gets hurt or leaves the room. I would suggest memorizing you schedule though."

I'm surrounded by twenty three new faces. I recognize nobody and nobody recognizes me. I decide to memorize my schedule, even though I have most of it memorized, but it's not like there's anyone to talk to.


Let's just say everyone stayed scared and on the right side of the hallway.

First and second period, Algebra 1 and Spanish go by and I still see none of my friends or even anyone I recognize; not even the kid that used to sit in the back of my math class eating glue

In third period, earth science, I walk through the door and see Rachel, but it isn't the Rachel I know. This Rachel is wearing patterned shorts and a scoop neck top that shows off the cleavage she developed over the summer. Her natural auburn hair is down and curly something I've never seen. She too has changed. This time last year she would have been dressed in business attire with her hair pulled into a bun or low pony tail. She also isn't wearing her glasses. I go to take a seat next to her, but before I get there a good looking guy sits down and they start making out.

I end up sitting alone, because there is an odd number of students so I don't even have a lab partner. I'm on my way out when Ms. Lawson, my earth science teacher stops me.

"Jenny right?"

I simply nod.

"I know it's your first day, but your breaking dress code."

"And how am I breaking it? I've seen girls in crop tops today. There was one in this class and your getting me instead of her!"

"I didn't get a complaint saying that she distracted a student." She's trying to keep her cool, but I'm not sure how much longer either one of us can.

"So you're saying someone complained about what I am wearing because it's distracting?" I make the air quotes around the word distracting.

"Yes I did."

"How am I even breaking dress code? Is there even a dress code or is it if someone has a problem then there's a dress code?"

She walks over to her desk, opens a drawer, and pulls out a book that reads "Oakland Meadows High School Student Handbook". She flips through it and begins to read, "All tank top straps must be one inch wide. No spaghetti straps allowed. All shorts must pass the dollar bill test. The student had the option to chose between changing and dentition for the first dress code violation. The second violation is a mandatory change and one week of detention. The third dress code violation will result in student being suspended. Your choose change or detention what's it going to be?"

I think it over a moment. The only other clothes I have are my gym clothes and there is no way I'm wearing them. She didn't even check my shorts. I look down and realize that they wouldn't pass the dollar bill test so I keep my mouth shut.

"Detention." I reluctantly say. She writes my slip and gives it to me.

"Be here at 3:15 sharp. If you're late that will result in another detention. If you don't show up it will be a week. You're dismissed."

I walk off and make my way to lunch hoping that I can blow off some steam before I get there. I get my lunch and decide to eat outside, so I can cool off. I'm halfway through my ham sandwich when I hear a crack of thunder and see a flash of lightning. I try making it inside before I get wet but it's too late, I get soaked.

Thankfully in fourth period French the worst thing that happened was getting some weird looks for being soaking wet.

I wish I could say the same thing about gym. The teacher decided to have us climb the rope. When I was halfway up, I slipped and fell. If that was bad enough I dislocated my knee when I landed. They had to call an ambulance and pop it back in place.

I can say without a doubt that the first day of high school was probably the worst day of my life.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 12 2015 at 11:19 am
ShayCollett BRONZE, Leslie, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you so much!

stenova BRONZE said...
on Jul. 11 2015 at 5:16 pm
stenova BRONZE, Trumbull, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do more, Sempronius- we'll deserve it."

Nice story! It really felt like I was talking to someone who had an awful first day experience, and had nice humor too. Keep writing, I can see you getting really good!