Bullied | Teen Ink


July 25, 2015
By ksmall170 BRONZE, Everett, Massachusetts
ksmall170 BRONZE, Everett, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once lived a beautiful girl with such a bubbly personality. Her name was Lisa. Her smile would light up the world everywhere she went. She had long, dark curly hair that reached down to her butt, shiny brown eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and long luscious eyelashes. She had such a good life ahead of her. Ever since 5th grade she had straight A’s and in 8th grade she was even the captain of her cheering squad. She practiced every day from 2:30 to 5 at her school gym, but she didn’t stop there. Everywhere she went she would recite her cheers, even in the grocery store; making all the shopper’s faces light up. To the outside world; her family; her teachers; even strangers, she seemed like a normal happy teen. Only her friends knew the awful truth. The bullying started in 7th grade. She’s in 9th grade now and it has only gotten worse…
Once again, Lisa found herself crying in the girl’s bathroom at Lakewood High School. Sobbing her eyes out; every tear drop hitting the ground like a tidal wave. She could taste the saltiness of her tears as they ran down her lips. She hated being called fat, ugly and retarded every second of the day at school. She didn’t deserve it. She repeated to herself “I’m not ugly, I’m not fat, I’m not retarded,” but the more times she said it, the more times she doubted it. How could she not believe it?
All of a sudden, Lisa hears someone coming from outside the bathroom. She quickly runs into the stall; locks it and stands on the toilet seat to keep herself from being seen. The stench was so foul that she had to hold her nose while trying to quickly wipe the tears off her face. Three girls storm into the bathroom. “LISA….Where are you….we know you’re in here,” yelled the girls in an obnoxious tone. The girls were tall, thin and had a fierce look in their eyes just like a shark when it smelled blood. “Come out, come out wherever you are?”yelled the girl.  “I guess we’ll make you then.” Lisa was terrified at the thought of what they might do. One of girls took her foot kicked the first stall open; then the second; then the third. “Are you ready to come out?” yelled the three girls. Lisa was so terrified that she began bursting into tears. The girls began to laugh. “I think we got our point across.” They were about to leave when all of sudden one of the girls stopped and turned around. “One second.” Lisa peeked through the crack in side of the bathroom stall, praying they were done torturing her. The girl placed her hand into her purse and pulled out her red cherry lipstick from MAC. She made her way to the mirror and began using the lipstick to write the letters L O S E R and F A T. Lisa immediately fell to her knees. She bursted into tears once again; her heart felt as though it had been ripped out of her chest. She never seemed to go a day without feeling pain and tears and they became like second home to her.
All this pain soon drove Lisa to make a very bad decision. She began cutting. She hated the fact she was cutting, but the cold blood dripping down her wrist was the only thing that satisfied her for a few seconds in her life. When people at school found out she was cutting, it made everything in her life even worse. The kids at school tortured her even more. Her few friends tried telling Lisa to ignore them, but how could she? Everyone did whatever they could to put her down; to make her feel worthless; to make her feel unwanted on this earth. Lisa never wanted to go to school because of this. She didn’t want to tell her family either because she felt it would just make the situation worse. Her friends McKayla and Lindsey were the only people who knew how bad the situation really was. The sad fact was that they couldn’t do anything about it.

911: Hello! What’s your emergency?
911: Ok...stay calm; someone is on their way. Is she breathing?
Mom: She was hanging by a scarf in her closet… I pulled her down and I’m trying to give her CPR…SHE’S NOT RESPONDING!!! PLEASE LISA WAKE UP…PLEASE!!!
911: Just stay with me… the ambulance is coming as fast as they can. Just continue the compressions…Stay with me!
Lisa slowly opened her eyes. Where am I?  What happened to me? After 5 hours, Lisa had finally woken up; relieving her mom from the thought that her only daughter was gone. The first thing Lisa saw was her two best friends and her mother. Their faces showed pain, sadness and heartbreak. Her mother had tears streaming down her face. Lisa had never seen her mom cry like that before; not even during her divorce.
Finally, after two weeks, Lisa was able to return home and back to her regular routine. Since then, Lisa’s mom had been on high alert making sure nothing bad would happen to her beloved daughter again. “You let me know if they say or do anything mean to you today, ok?” “Yes…sure mom” Lisa said hesitantly. Lisa hoped seeing the psychologist for a week paid off and that it would make everything better. She was wrong.
Today would be the first day Lisa would return to school since the suicide attempt. She had never cried so much in her life; tears running down her cheeks like a waterfall. “Why couldn’t you just die?!” “Nobody likes you. You’re just a big fat loser!” “Just die already!” yelled the kids. These are the words Lisa heard as she slowly walked down the hallway; her back slouched and head facing towards the ground.
After three weeks of hearing these harsh words again, Lisa began to ask herself the same questions. “Why did my mom have to find me so soon? Why couldn’t the suicide just have worked? Why was I born? I don’t deserve this life…I just want to die!”
Dear mom,
If you are reading this, you probably already know that my second attempt has worked. I just want you to know that I love you so so much. You had nothing to do with any of this. You were the best mom ever. I just can’t take the bullying any longer. I don’t believe I deserve to live anymore. I just want you to move forward and don’t just sit around crying over me. You deserve happiness and my death shouldn’t stop you.
You’re Loving Daughter
                               Lisa Sanchez
                 Beloved by her mom Maria Sanchez


The author's comments:

This story is fiction, but is the reality of so many young people’s lives. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. If more people stood by Lisa’s side, her life could have been saved and her story may have ended differently. Speak out against bullies! You could make a difference in someone’s life! 

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