When Silence Speaks | Teen Ink

When Silence Speaks

August 13, 2015
By SarahKhan BRONZE, Karachi, Other
SarahKhan BRONZE, Karachi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our own self love draws a thick veil between us and our faults. (Lord Chesterfield)

“Are you happy?”
“No, not today.”
Silence ensues. The man before me adjusts his black rimmed eyeglasses nervously, contemplating his next move. He intertwines his fingers and rests his chin upon them, fixing his eyes on my blank face.
“Why is that?” he asks.
‘There are some days when I feel like I am on the top of the world, and then these numbered days are closely followed by ones when my mere existence feels like a burden upon this earth.’
This is the answer that I have framed in my mind but refrain it from letting it escape through my lips. I shrug, giving a lopsided amused grin.
As predicted, the man before me huffs with annoyance, clearly fed up with my ambiguity. He takes off his glasses and leans forward. His chocolate brown eyes framed with thick layer of eyelashes are enough to hypnotize any woman.
“If you really want it to work, Talia, you need to be a lot more expressive than that.” He insists, his eyes boring on my face.
I give a small nod and look away. The man scratches his neck, feeling at his wit’s end. After few seconds he signs a sheet and hands it to me.
I take it quietly and stand up to leave. I steal a glance at his face and see evident signs of helplessness streaking across his face.
“Thanks for listening Mr. Bates.” I mutter under my breath.
He gives a dry chuckle. His eyes turn bleak and his chiseled jaw clenches. I raise my hand, gesturing him to hold it. With that, I leave the room.

The next day, I find myself in his office once more. I twirl in my chair, leaving him to do his daily observations. When he is done, I meet his gaze and smile.
“See any change?” I ask well humoredly.
“You wish.”
His answer amuses me more than anything.
“So Talia, are you happy?”
“No, not today.” I reply serenely.
“I don’t know why I even bother to ask.”
“That’s your job Mr. Bates, that’s why.”
“You are mistaken.”
Silence ensues. I look away.
“Is there anyone you trust in your life with your sentiments?”
‘I don’t trust my own shadow, Mr. Bates, for it too abandons me during my hours of need, let it be from the scorching glare of sun or the pitch darkness of the night.’ I think.
“I don’t know.” I reply honestly.
“You intrigue me Talia.”
“And why is that Mr. Bates?”
“Tell me honestly why do you come here?”
“I come here because you are a very good listener.”
I look at him to find him scowling at me. I can’t stop my smile from forming. That irks him more.
I take my cue to leave.
“You make me wonder who is the client here actually!” He bursts out before I can stride out of the room
“That is so unprofessional of you.” I remark coolly, turning my face sideways. I walk out, not before I see him throwing his pen away in anger.

“Where were you for two weeks?” He asks as soon as I take my seat.
“Other things needed to be taken care of.” I reply nonchalantly, fixing my dress.
“I am sorry for my outburst in our last appointment. I shouldn’t have reacted that way.” I glance at him, he doesn’t look sorry at all. But he has done a great job at regaining his composure.
“Quite understandable.” I dismiss the apology with a nod of my head.
“Today is my last day here.” I inform.
He mouth falls open in surprise.
“Why? I offended you. Didn’t I?” his voice quivers.
I shake my head.
“I don’t feel the need anymore.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be complaining.” He mutters halfheartedly.
I get to my feet.
“Mr. Bates?”
“Thanks for listening.”
“Come on! Stop doing this. I hardly listened; you hardly ever spoke a word. I don’t understand Talia; you make me feel so absurd sometimes.”
“Not everyone has a tendency to listen to one’s silence and as I said, you are a very good listener.” I say and with a warm parting smile on my face, I leave.

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