The Boy Who Lost His Dreams | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Lost His Dreams

September 3, 2015
By djwrites BRONZE, Delhi, California
djwrites BRONZE, Delhi, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A story of a kid who lost his dreams  

It was finally time. I had finally found my dream, it was finally my time. Back when I was a boy my brother had lost his life drowning in a pool only a couple feet deep. My memories of him are lost, but I remember thinking it was a sad thing. My mom lost her mind for a couple of years but still managed to take care of me after dad had had enough of her. I used to resent her for driving away my dad, now I know that was wrong.I’m sixteen now and something bad has happened since back then, something that destroyed everything I once knew.

Growing up I moved around a lot and my two other siblings had left after mom lost it, so I was alone all the time, especially since mom had to work to take care of me. She had a boyfriend though, he was a bad person but it gave me someone to talk to. I learned at a young age that he was a drug user but it never bugged me until I was about ten. His drug crazed self had hurt my mom in many ways I couldn’t understand at the time, but she always told me that she was doing alright. However her boyfriend didn’t give up his bad ways and he had continued to hurt my mom to where even I knew he was doing it. When I started realising what he was doing, I punched him square in the mouth and knocked two teeth out. After that we got away from him. She was still working all the time and I didn’t much care for school so I just did as I pleased. I liked to do experiments on bugs, until one day my mom yelled at me to stop. So I did. The last few years were alright. When I got into highschool it was more fun, and I had friends. The best part was that I had a teacher that liked talking about the real world and the stuff that will eventually happen, this is where I learned I was doomed.

One day walking into this teachers class, he seemed a bit distressed. He began yammering on like he did any other day, and after a while got to the story of the week, like normal. He then stated that we are very close to something big. He said we are in a place called the cascadia subduction zone. It’s this big place in between Canada and America on the west coast, that is where the big thing will happen. A large earthquake which would cause a huge tsunami, it sounded kind of cool. Apparently a couple of guys went looking for areas where a big earthquake might happen and as it turned out we were right on top of it this whole time.

I never really felt any emotions like my friends did. Eventually I got used to pretending to be scared with my friends, or acting mad at someone for doing something I didn’t really care about. My friends liked it, so I didn’t mind. My emotions didn’t affect me a whole lot until I moved in with my grandma and for the first time I was really happy. Her house was big and very comfortable, I had my own room and a nice warm bed. I finally had a dream too. I wanted to live with my grandma for a long time. Then one day I felt a big bump in the morning. I guess the earthquake happened while I was asleep. I told my grandma what was going to happen so we got on top of house, which was broke in a bunch of places from the earthquake. It took about half an hour of frantically calling everyone to make sure they were ok before my grandma joined me. After a while we watched as a giant wall of water came towards us, the last words I heard was “ I love-...” thats it. I’m dead now. I lost my dream. It was good while it lasted.

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