1-800 | Teen Ink


September 16, 2015
By Jim_Westerfeild BRONZE, Dubuque, Iowa
Jim_Westerfeild BRONZE, Dubuque, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

“ .. and you think you can  make a decision like that  for our company?!”
“Yes, I do indeed”
Hi I’m Jett Macfee, a telemarketer having a “meeting” with my boss, Bill. Bill is just a stickler to his own rules especially when it comes to daily quotas. Every day we need to have at least 35 people buy a product from us. If you see a 1-800 number please for our sake pick it up and at least listen to what we have to say. Here’s a common conversation in my mind with a customer.
“Hello.” I say politely “would you like to buy a… *Click*” 
Today I am short by 5 people and the only way to leave the office is by to have the allotted quota met. Anyways enough about my crummy job back to the “meeting”.
“What would happen if I per say fired you?” sneered Bill
“Well,” I say drawlingly “I would indeed both have to pack up my stuff from the office and I would need to find a new job, just like you will when I report this abuse to the management of you.” I said snidely
“Well, well, well trying to stand up to the big boys huh.” Bill nagged “ I think the ocean is too big for a little guppy like you Jett. All you are is a minimum wage employee with no sense of respect.”
“No. You are just a 19th century foreman in a 21st century world. Open your eyes all the people out there are not your slaves. We are people with individual lives you just use us as pawns and dump your dirty work on us. Well Sir. I’m done playing your games. I quit!”
“Last chance Macfee, Get out there and make the calls or you aren’t going to be able to EVER come back.”
I just walk out the doors and calmly grab my stuff and head home for the night. I can just find a job tomorrow in the paper. Back home at my flat I see 2 chairs in my kitchen with an island between them and me. In the Living room I see my Futon with my cat sleeping quietly next to it.
“Hi Mittens” I whisper
“Meoooooooow” she yawns
I set my bag down on the left chair. Leaving the straps hanging off for mittens to play with and then turning on the T.V. *click*.
“Breaking News! We may be looking at another attack on our troops in South America. The large military forces of the combined continent has acted against their peace treaty with us. Never forget 2100. Hell on earth has been unleashed as we are now getting reports of large destructive damage to our own...*click*”
I didn't want to hear another word about the “Canal wars” as they call them. After the major trade routes were eased up by canals through countries similar to the ones in Panama before the wars. These trade routes were often the most powerful resource for countries to gain. And if one country did not have a canal it was left behind in the world’s movements and would be taken by a larger country with a canal to be in an alliance for resources. The rest of the world began to form extremely large continent countries loosely tied by the promise of trade.
My Brother fought in those wars in protection of our people land and most important canals.
Just thinking of him I draw tears. Then I feel a furry mass rubbing up on my legs.
“Meow!!” Mittens yelled
“Oh, that’s right I need to feed you”
I jump into action turning on the can opener quickly grabbing both my Spaghetti O’s and some wet cat food. Inserting her food in first I get a small glass bowl for here to eat from. Grabbing the can just as it falls  I dump the disgusting contents into the bowl, hurling it to the end  of the table just as she jumps up to receive it, another perfect pass! Opening my Spaghetti O’s I grab a glass and fill it up with grape juice. Just like   a little kid I think. Another healthy dinner complete. 

“Oh geeeez” I yawn out while stretching.
“Alrighty, what will I be next?”  After scanning the paper 17 times I had 3 inklings.
“Ok we have, Chef at $ 20.50/ hour, financial advisor at $50,300/ year, and a Google “dreamer” at 75,000/ year.” 
I Two Weeks pass until I get only one reply. A man named Jonsey Suave wants me to work for him as a worker at Google working on the 3D planning models. That Job includes making the computer models for clientele and the making foam and plywood representations as well as presentations for investors. I meet with him today. On my way there in my 3- piece suit with my favorite gold silver white tie on, the excitement is plastered on my face. I wait for my call. as soon as I get in his  office I notice he’s an average man with one very awesome feature, he has  not a suit  but a graphic  t-shirt and shorts on.
“Hello! You must be Mr. Macfee.” Said who I can only assume to be Mr. Suave in a deep melodic voice. “Come take a seat and take off that overly formal attire. It is Friday after all.”
Smiling on the inside I stumble with my words “ Ummmm.. Mr. Suave?”
“Yes that’s my name but just call me Jon.”  he said reaching out his hand.
I return the gesture for a hand-shake.
“Now, tell me one thing why do you believe I should hire you Mr.….?” He asked
“Please sir call me Jett”
“Mr. Jett why should I hire you?”
“I’m a capable...”
“You’re hired!” He exclaims “Start work at 7 am sharp on Monday I have a good feeling about you son.”
“But i didn't even get to” I stammered
“No matter, you will have both a tour of the company and your own office will be yours to adjust to your liking. If you have a tame pet you can bring it in everyday!”
“Ok… What’s the catch?” I carefully asked.
“Oh no catch son just come in and have a fun first day.”
After the Interview my heart races. I can’t believe it was that easy. I hear the door open behind me with a naggy voice coming from it.
“Sir, Shouldn’t you be wearing more appropriate clothes? This is a business is it not?”
“Suzie the receptionist. Ugh just the fun hater of the office huh? Don’t rain on everyone's parade if yours is made of a stream.” Said Jon jokingly
I go Home to a whole world of uncertainty ahead.
“Hey Mittens! I got a job that I can bring you to!” I exclaim
“Meow!!!!” She jumps on my shoulder
This will be way better then waking people up at 12 am with my 1-800.

The author's comments:

Creative writing class 1st writing 

Will update hopefully as I  continue polishing.

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