My love, My life, My time | Teen Ink

My love, My life, My time

September 18, 2015
By love7 BRONZE, Riverside, California
love7 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

16 September 2015
My Love, My Life, My Time
“Alright I will catch up with you guys later,” I yelled to my friends, Kylie and Sydney. Kylie and Sydney are on my soccer team, Arsenal F.C. Kylie is tall and thin. She has light skin, dark, brown, curly hair and greenish eyes. Sydney is my height. She also has long, brown, blonde highlighted hair. She has light skin and green/blue eyes. My name is Mia and i am tall. I have tan skin and green/blue/brown eyes. They have been my friends for a very long time. I am 10 years old. Kylie is 11 and Sydney is 11. We are all in 6th grade.     
My mom is a vet and my dad is a duck hunter so there are fight here and there about animal civilization, but i have never heard them fight so bad as i was walking up my driveway from soccer practice. My family loves soccer, even my white german shepard/husky mix, Shasta. Shasta has been part of our family for three years, she goes to work with my mom and dad and comes to practice with me.
“GO!!! I don’t need you anymore!” I heard my mom yell to my dad.
“No!!! You are not the boss of me!” My dad said loudly and childly.
“UGH...Fine I am leaving, and taking Mia with me!” My mom screamed as she was crying.
My mom started to open the door then the door stopped as a very loud BOOM came from inside. I stopped taking my cleats off and ran inside. As soon as i ran inside I stopped. My mom was on the floor, her head bleeding, keys to the car by her head. I looked up at my my dad and back at my mom. I started bawling. My dad dropped the gun and went to my room. I got the phone and called the police.
“911 what's your emergency?”
“Hi my name is Mia, can you please come to my house fast, my daddy just shot my mommy and he is in my room right now, please hurry!”
“Okay honey what’s your address?”
“Umm...12309, Yosemite, CA.”
“Okay sweetheart we're on our way!”
    Seven years later...My dad got out of jail. I am now 17 years old and have not gone into my room or played soccer, thanks to my dad. He has ruined my life, he gave Shasta away to my cousin and has forbid soccer in my life. I have been secretly playing with Arsenal...thanks to Syd and Kylie.
My new goal in life is to be able to play USWNT. My dad now always stays home on the couch and drinks beer. I hide all of my stuff in the dead bushes outside. My dad doesn’t care what i do now as long as i don’t play soccer. I have gotten very good at soccer, I have been asked to play for several other club teams and had to turn them down. I want to get a scholarship to college and you know...become famous. Kylie and Sydney now hate me because i am better at soccer than them.
    Today we have a tournament and if we win all of our games today we play in finals tomorrow, and my coach said that there will be a college scout from UCLA coming to watch us play. He will give a scholarship to one person.
I got home and saw my dad holding my soccer bag in his hand. My dad walked toward me and i started to walk toward him slowly. He dragged me inside and slapped me, Threw a pan at me, luckily he missed and he locked me in my room.
“NO! NOW SHUT UP!” he yelled as he kicked a small hole in the door.
I wasn’t sure what to do so… I called Kylie and Syd, even though they hate me. I asked if they can help me sneak out.
“why!?” asked Kylie and Syd.
“Because i need you i can’t miss this” I said over the phone almost crying.
“Okay…” Said Kylie
“It sounds fun”
“Okay i guess..” Said Syd. “What do we do?”
I heard the doorbell ring and Kylie's voice coming from outside! My dad opened the door-
“hi sir how are you?”
“I don’t want your cookies!” My dad said very drunk.
“umm okay can we talk to you about a new beer?” said Syd.
“you girls can stay as long as you want!”
My dad said very happy to hear the word out of the house from my window and ran to the tournament. My friend Casey gave me her extra cleats and shin guards. I borrowed and extra jersey from my coach and was ready to play.
At the end of the game i saw my dad standing next to another guy talking.I ran over and the guy started talking to me.
“Mia right?” he asked.
“Ummm Yes” I said.
“Good would you like to play for the USWNT and a scholarship to any college you want?” He asked.
“Yes, yes, yes “ I said leaping in the air.The man left and i went to my dad ready to get slapped.
“Good job Mia!” he said.
    “Thanks” i said unsure.
“Sorry i missed out on all of the good things in your life. I am sad because i almost missed this amazing moment” he said with a soft comfortable voice. After that we walked home together talking.

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