Icy Roads | Teen Ink

Icy Roads

September 22, 2015
By angeladavid BRONZE, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
angeladavid BRONZE, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was one of those pretty and charming girls. Her hair was a long, dark chocolaty brown like her father’s hair, and her eyes were a deep ocean blue like her mother’s. You could say she was perfect. But something about her life was secretly not perfect. Her past hold many stories questioning how she could possibly have became so successful. Her name, was Aria Brooks. Aria was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 4 years old. When she was 16, it was a miracle that she finally overcame it. Now, Aria lives in her penthouse in New York city as an interior designer. She woke up to start her daily routine before heading to work. Walking down to the first floor, Aria picked up the Newspaper. The bold heading of the newspaper read, “Mya Brooks is Found!”  Along with the heading of the newspaper, shows the picture of a car crash that instantly flashes back in Aria’s head of the day it happened. Her eyes widened, staring blatantly at her mother’s name on the New York Time’s header. She was so calm, so still, but something about the thought still sent goosebumps up her arms. Her eyes scanned over the letters in disbelief. Mya Brooks is Found.
Aria was in the car the day of the crash. It was a tragic day for everyone in Aspen, Colorado. The blizzard hit Aspen the hardest compared to all the other towns. Several feet of snow piled up high against doors, and outside was dangerously cold. Being so young, Aria could still make out the most of the crash. She hated thinking about it. Her father, Kenny was driving the car. The screaming and yelling from the front seat still rings her ears from her parents fighting. Mya and Kenny fought all the time. About Aria, about money, about everything down to the Colorado Avalanche hockey game. This time, it happened to be about her. Aria hated getting the flashbacks of the conversation.
“No, Ken, we have to take her in. Look at her, she’s too sick to even keep her head up straight,” her mother cried out.
“Mya, please, I should just turn this car around right now. We can’t afford the hospital bill. This is ridiculous, the kid will be okay!” Ken raised his voice.
“She has leukemia, Ken. You act like it’s a walk in the park. We’re going!”
Ken took his eyes off the road and turned back to look at Aria.
“Ari, tell mama you’re okay,” Ken started.
All of the sudden, Kenny Brooks lost control of the wheel, and the car started spinning so fast, it was a tornado. Within seconds, the car submerged deep into the snow in a ditch. Luckily, the Aspen police and fire department was there as soon as possible. Although they were able to pull out Aria and Mya, Kenny was in a condition far worse and he passed away before they could get to him. Aria has visions of her mother crying in her room. Even though she wasn’t ever happy with her father, she was far worse without him. Mya raised Aria until about the age of 15, when Mya disappeared.
Aria wanted to go back in time and tell her dad that she’s okay now. She’s overcome the Leukemia, but now it’s just a memory that isn’t something she wants to remember. All she can think about now is her mother. Reading the article almost brought her to tears. It said that when she left, it was because she couldn’t afford to take care of Aria on her own. Her depression of losing Ken was too much for her to handle. Aria finally came to the conclusion to find her mother. She needed to go back, make sure she knows that she’s normal now. She read the last sentence of the article. “Now Mya Brooks is back in sweet home Aspen, CO, hoping her daughter will appear.” Aria, tossed the newspaper in her backpack. She inhaled deeply, and exhaled releasing her stress. It was like every part of her body was calm. That refreshing feeling came so sudden.
“I’m coming Mom,” she said wiping tears from her cheeks.
Flash Forward. Aria is standing on the front stoop of 1121 Madison Avenue. She stood there just staring at the door. Standing there, she felt her arm tensely reach out to ring the doorbell. She froze. Her mind started running through the crash. The icy roads. The last words she heard from her father. Everything seemed clearer than ever. Closing her eyes, she pressed the doorbell and waited. Within seconds, the door flew open revealing a beautiful middle aged women. Locking eyes, Aria could tell the look she dreamed of her mother having on her face wasn’t there. Aria was looking at the emotionless face of her mother. She seemed confused as silence finally broke.
Mya opened her mouth after what seemed to be forever, and said, “Can I help you?”
“Hi,” Aria stuttered.
“Um, hi there darling. Are you lost? Why so glum?” Mya Brooks managed the slightest smile.
“Don’t you know who I am?” Aria’s eyes watery. Her body went numb. She doesn’t recognize who I am. She doesn’t know I’m her daughter.
Mya’s face turned from a smile to a frown. She examined Aria, it seemed like something hit her.
“I think you must be on your way,” she responded.
Aria was angry. She left me, Aria thought. She left me, and now she cannot even remember me. Aria walked away fast. She didn’t know how to respond, nor did she know how to act or where to go.
From behind her she could hear the sound of a creaky door open back up slowly.
“Ari… wait,” the voice called.
Aria turned back around, “Mom, it’s me. Don’t you remember?”
“Yes Ari, I remember everything,” she started, “I never wanted to hurt you. I was scared and ever since I left- I miss my only daughter.”
Aria ran back into her mother’s arms. The last time she saw her mother cry was when her father died. Thinking of this brought more tears to Aria’s eyes.
“Mom, tell me about dad.”
“Oh honey, not right n-”
“Please, I need to know. Do you have any idea how terrible it is that the only memory I have of dad was when he died? I came all this way, mom, just tell me, what was he like?” She raised her voice the slightest bit.
“You are very much like him. Even though we fought, I loved him very much. He worked hard everyday, to try and make the slightest amount to support us. After the crash, I couldn’t afford any of this anymore. I couldn’t afford the house, or your condition Ari. I am so sorry…” Mya choked up.
“I’m here now. And mom I came to show you that I’m healthy now. I’m not sick. A year after you left, I found out I was no longer diagnosed.”
“If only Ken could know.”
“He knows.”

Early the next morning, Aria found herself at the foot of a dark gray stone. She knelt down beside her father, placing flowers against the cold stone. She never knew him well because he died when she was so young, but from the stories her mother tells her she knows she is like him. Aria is now living with her mother again, who can finally afford to take care of their small family. They are happy now. Every Sunday, they visit Kenny Brooks. Aria graduated from NYU, making her mother very happy. Although everyday, she always passes the exact spot of where the icy roads took the life of her father.

The author's comments:

Wrote this for class assignment. This is about a girl who gets luekemia and her dad dies. She wants to find her mother again, because her mother left her. 

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