I Believe I Will Live Through High School | Teen Ink

I Believe I Will Live Through High School

September 25, 2015
By graciegirl0001 BRONZE, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
graciegirl0001 BRONZE, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Believe I Will Live Through High School

Click. Click. Me and my older sister, April, stood in front of our house while mom took a picture of me and her of my first day of high school. I was nervous to be with a bunch of people I haven’t seen all summer. My summer had been long and boring, containing TV and swimming. I would check my Facebook and Instagram every day and saw my friends having a great  summer in Hawaii, California, Florida, sports camps, and water parks.  It made me jealous they were out having an amazing summer (who wouldn’t be jealous) while I was sleeping and watching TV all day. The only friend I had seen all summer was my best friend, Mariam.
As mom finished taking the picture we got into April’s truck and drove to the humongous high school. It was two stories high and as long as the sky. As we walked into the tall cafeteria April found her friends, and I stood in the middle of hundreds of people trying to spot Mariam. I found her over by the wall with the other freshmen. She waved at me and I made my way over to her. This would be the year I, Melissa Clark, would be called Freshy, Frosh, and my favorite “Fresh meat”! Who came up with these names!? April told me it’s not that bad, but a part of me feels she’s just saying that so I won’t ask her a million questions. I hug Mariam and my other friends and we stand there trying to figure out a way to get around all the older teens that have beards and car keys hanging out of their pockets.
“We are so going to get lost,” Mariam said.
“I’m all right with directions,” I laugh, and then sigh. “This is going to be a long year.”
It wasn’t hard for me to find my classes and most of my classes my friends were in.
We talked and laughed like we had talked and hung out all summer, which we didn’t. Everyone was the same from when I had last seen them, maybe taller or more mature, but not that much. It was hard for me to see how other teens my age acted the way they did. 
For example, girls my age think that they can have a boyfriend for a month and assume they will marry them and will live happily ever after! I think it’s good to wait until you know that it’s not going to be a waste of a young girl’s precious time and the relationship will literally last forever and a day. Yes, I have never had a boyfriend. I wonder sometimes what it would be like but then I think about how much time I have to be a teenager, not a very long time. It might sound weird but it’s worth it. People take me for granted, they ask me to do things for them and say I’m a good friend, but they’ve never once asked me to come over and hang out with them.
Mariam is like me, easy going and fun but people don’t notice it, and she is overlooked by the whole world. We’re still teens though; we talk about boys, dream about prom and we go to the Weston Cougars football games. We’re not sticks in the mud either, we listen to music other people listen to and understand how to have a good time without getting hangovers or going against our personal morals as Christians.
Life as a teen is hard, and if any parent assumes that it’s not, than they have forgotten what life in high school is really like.
When I got home my parents hugged me and asked how my first day went.
“It was fine.” I say, trying to escape to my room to start on first day of school homework, and what teacher gives students homework on the first day? My math teacher, Mr. Lories, is who!
“Well, tell me about it!?” My mom asked.
“I need to get to my homework mom.”
“Any cute boys?”
“See you at dinner!” I laugh. I’m hoping this year I will meet people that consider me a cool person and genuinely want to be the first person to text me after school. I know if I pray God will bless me, maybe not with a lot of friends but he will make me happy. He has a plan for me that include being appreciated, but it’s not a promise that it will not be hard or that a few tears won’t be shed. Believe that you can make it through the four weird years of your life spent sitting next to fellow teens that understand what you’re going through because they’re going through the exact same thing and you don’t even realize it. Enjoy those precious years because they only last for 1,460 days, which may seem like alot but when you spend your time taking pleasure in those days it goes by faster than a bullet train!

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because this is how most regular teens live on a daily basis at school. But this girl is different like me, other people I've heard feel this way. I want girls my age to know that they are not alone.

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