Reflections from Gasworks | Teen Ink

Reflections from Gasworks

September 30, 2015
By satiricalrant BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
satiricalrant BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
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Favorite Quote:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.<br /> -Reinhold Niebuhr

I’m probably a crazy hippie.
This may sound strange to some, but screw them. I can’t be expected any other way, here goes; I can see sounds right now. My entire field of view (Shut up!-Listen!) Is an opera. No, really, an opera. The lights I can see are a white beautiful blue, a strangely vibrant & unnatural hue. I can see the sound of their light. I can read it too. An opera singer belting the last note of a sold out show in some fancy theater somewhere- we’ll say Rome. I can tell she is very talented in her craft but I’m in the back, y’know, in the nosebleeds and I’m using my opera glasses to see clearly. I can see she is impressively loud yet, she isn’t reaching me at such decibels. The majestic vibe isn’t lost on me however. I can still perceive her raw power. I see it in her face, I see it in the front row. In those people who remained still in awe.
This vision fades now, as I turn my head to the right.
Here. Look, just look. Humor me a moment longer. You see those roads over there, the ones that lead to our heavenly needle? To the I.D.? To the forsaken market? From the hill to the square? Where even trees get put on reservations? Where the liars thrive and the policemen kill? Where the corrupt get statues of marble, and the honest beg for bread? There’s this sudden increase of lights, but they are different than the ones from before. Harsher, brighter, and smaller. Mostly in a shade of pseudo-brilliant red. Thousands of them. These tiny bloody voices singing a song and belting out their notes in short boast, but it’s all horribly out of time because the conductor is dead. The conductor may not have ever showed up it seems.
I enjoy the evenings when I have time to remark on these things. Not only to feel bliss or perception but to notice it and take note of it.
The moon above me takes my words, and I can only say that it is awesome in the true denotation of the word without the watered down connotation it has gained.
I feel anew as I remark on its place in this world, or out of it rather, which we often seem to take for granted. Not in a bratty way, no. We only put it out of our minds because to us it isn’t a discovery, it’s always there, the facts we know have been true as long as we’ve been knowing, which is especially true for my generation. A generation that was born after man had already been to the moon and back, and dream of going there on vacation someday and not be too unrealistic in their thinking. People used to think about the moon more, write stories about it. Reach out and try to catch it. The moon was an all-encompassing powerful symbol of darkness, mystery, and romance. And it still is, but our all- American preoccupied blindfold doesn’t allow for much free thought.
I’m not talking about innovation. The new I-phone has a better camera. Awesome. This new car gets better mileage (it still runs off fossil fuels). Fantastic. This processor is faster and more power-efficient than the last model. Congratulations. Who cares? Why isn’t your processor fast enough for you today? Why can’t we ever accept things as they are currently? Why does everything have to have a new model? Why does the new iPhone matter more than the slave who kindly built it for you in china? (His name was Lo, he was six years old. One day he was sick and couldn’t work so he was beaten to death with a bicycle chain. This instance is fictional but I know of real occurrences just like it.) I have the new iPhone. I’m not helping. I’m too preoccupied, you’re not alone. So it goes.
I’m not talking about innovation I’m talking about free thought. Free thought is the ability to turn off your world filter and observe. Take things as they are. Sit in the background and sometimes with a bang and sometimes quiet as a mouse something *clicks* and you tune into it. You ride the radio of free thought and as you do you form an annoying filthy object called an opinion. Vocalize it, let it be heard, and put it to bed. Unless your opinion is forming the basis of a cultural revolution (which even if you think it is, it probably isn’t) you shouldn’t keep it in the front of your mind for too long. Gums up the works. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have new and different opinions passing through your head all the time because opinions leave behind little things called viewpoints and you use these for a better understanding of everything in life, really. The more information and ideas you let pass through your mind the better you will understand the world around you. You may not like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power. It’s up to you to decide which you value more.
Sometimes it’s hard to gain alternate viewpoints, but you don’t want a bunch of opinions of the same brand, you want to ingest the rainbow. Try reading something you disagree with and for a moment, just a moment, agree with it. Let it win over, see its side. Let the devil speak and pretend his words aren’t horseshit. Because they aren’t. Because you’re wrong, and he’s wrong, and I’m wrong. Nothing in this world is unanimous, so don’t act like anything should be. Because it shouldn’t, that would be f***ing creepy. You don’t want everyone to hold the same values as you, that’s called a cult. There’s a thing or two to be said for freedom of individualism and I think you should defend it any way you can.
It’s a good thing that conductor died. I wouldn’t want to be caught in-sync with anyone.

The author's comments:

A rambling reflection on the world, economy, and life itself.


Collin likes to write, goes to school, and attempts to be a musician. He likes talking to strangers (and in the third person).

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