Hi, I'm Liz | Teen Ink

Hi, I'm Liz

October 4, 2015
By penguinfan03 BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
penguinfan03 BRONZE, Zionsville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. “Ugh” Liz thought, I’m not so sure I like this whole getting up early thing. Oh now I know why I’m up it’s my first day of school.”
Liz attempted to find the off button. It was five minutes later, and she still couldn’t find the off button.
Liz’s mom came in and said, It sounds like a circus in here! Now turn that thing off!”
“But I can’t find it.” Liz stated sadly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry honey. Sometimes I just forget-“Her mom said, Mom, how can you forget that I’m blind? You know I’ve been like this since I was three. It’s a pretty big deal. If I do say so myself.” Liz said angrily.
“Yea, I know I just like to think that you’re a normal kid. Well how about you get ready for school. It’s the first year I won’t be teaching you.” The mother said sadly acting like she was going to cry.
“And, it’s your first day of your new job! So, I’ll get ready for school, and you get ready for work.” Liz said happily.
“Okay it’s a deal.” The mother said.
“Okay Liz are you ready for your first day of school?” Liz’s mother asked. “You as pretty as always your eyes are so sparkly and your long hair is so curl-“
“Mom, can you please stop talking about things that I can’t see.” Liz interrupted. “Are you sure you want to go to school?” asking nervously. “Yes mom I’m sure I want to go to school.” Liz replied annoyed.
“Okay, well have fun today.” Her mom replied faking a smile. “Don’t forget you can ask people for help!” stated her mother.
“I won’t forget!” Liz replied as she runs out the door.
Once Liz left for school, she thought “I’m so nervous. What if I get lost on my way to school? What if I can’t find my classroom? What if I can’t make friends? What if………”
Ten minutes later she was at school. “Okay now I only have to find room 427.”
She started feeling all of the classroom numbers. Once she found her class, she ran into her teacher. “Ah you must be Liz.” Her teacher stated.
“Yes I’m Liz. Who are you?” Liz asked nervously.
“I’m Mrs. Periwinkle. How are you today Liz?” The teacher asked.
“Uhh, I’m okay.” Liz said nervously.
“Okay well let’s get this day started.” The teacher stated.
After about 20 minutes, Liz realized she had to go to the bathroom, and she had to go bad.
Liz yelled, I have to go to the bathroom!”
“Okay Liz, next time raise your hand especially since its silent reading.” Mrs. Periwinkle said calmly.
Liz dashed out of the room. When she was running out of the room, she knocked everyone’s clay pots of the table and onto the ground. Smack the pots yelled. That made Liz run even faster.
Finally, she was in the bathroom. Once she got there she realized she didn’t have to go to the bathroom anymore. So she got up and left. When she got back to her classroom she realized why she didn’t have to go to the bathroom anymore. She walked in and everyone was laughing at her!
“Oh my gosh! Why are my pants so wet?” Liz questioned loudly.
“Liz!” the teacher yelled! “It’s okay! It happens to everyone at some point!”
“Not in fourth grade though!” a rude boy yelled.
“Max why did you say that to her it’s only her first day in an actual school!” Mrs. Periwinkle yelled to Max.
“Whatever. The only reason you’re being so nice to Liz is because you feel sorry for her!” Max yelled rudely back to the teacher.
I’m so sorry for this to happen. School isn’t usually like this! Don’t worry it will get better.”
At lunch people started to throw food at Liz since the all found out she was blind, they thought she wouldn’t be able to see it coming. All the boys started yelling and laughing at Liz, and that’s when her emotions got to her like a giant waterfall, a waterfall of emotions.
After lunch, Liz was in the bathroom crying. She couldn’t keep it in anymore. She started screaming things that she didn’t actually mean. For a moment, she thought she was the mean on because she was so mad at everyone for everything that happened. A girl from her class came in and told Liz
“When you came in here I took a stand. I couldn’t watch you get bullied and made fun of anymore it’s not cool of them to do that. They are thinking they’re really cool and whatever but really they're being a bunch of jerks.” Hailey stated.
“Don’t call them jerks, even though they’re acting like them. It’s still not cool, but what did they do to you? Did they start making fun of you too?” Liz asked curiously.
“Don’t worry about what they were telling me Liz! It’s okay they didn’t do anything to me, well at least not anything super mean! Just worry about what they were telling you and how you can get away from them being like that to you.” Hailey stated exasperated.
“Thank you so much Hailey! However, why does it smell so bad in here? It’s really weird. I didn’t think bathrooms could smell this bad. Especially girls' rooms, I mean I’m no expert, but I imagined them smelling like roses.” Liz said strangely.
A boy came out of the stall. “Hey! Why are you two in here? This is the guy’s restroom!” yelled Max.
"I was about to ask you Liz why did you come into the boys bathroom?” Hailey asked embarrassed.
“Oh my goodness! I thought this was the girl’s room. It felt like this way was the way to the girl’s room! Liz said loudly.
“It’s okay let’s go wash our hands. Because this floor is disgusting.” Hailey said.
“I didn’t think today would be so strange. I also never thought I would walk into a guy’s restroom.” Liz said jokingly.
“It’s okay Liz. Once I had to take my brother to the bathroom, I showed him where the boy’s room was and he followed me into the girl’s bathroom!” Hailey stated.
“Well, it’s okay he was probably really little.” Liz said hopefully.
“He was twelve years old. He still thought I was showing him the men’s room” Hailey said embarrassed.
Then they headed back to the classroom. Hailey and Liz sit down right now its an emergency!
“What’s the problem?” Liz whisper shouted.
“Just stay quiet for a minute its necessary.”
What Liz didn’t know is that when they were gone in the bathroom, was that the Twin Towers fell.
“Just be quiet for a minute.” Restated Mrs. Periwinkle.
All of a sudden they saw smoke coming from where the Twin Towers used to stand. Only about three blocks away. Then Liz started to cry, it was a little bit but then it quickly turned into a water fall a very powerful waterfall. Liz finally knew what was happening. She could smell the smoke from the towers. It all happened out of nowhere everything came out of nowhere. Nothing that they knew was the same. Nothing at all.
“Liz! What’s the matter?” Mrs. Periwinkle asked politely.
“Nothing!” she shouted back.
“Liz come here!” Mrs. Periwinkle said.
They went into the hall. Liz explained everything to her. She never questioned her again that day. Now she knows why she was acting like that.
“My mom is in that building.” Liz said sadly.
That hit Mrs. Periwinkle like a truck. “Oh my! Liz it’s okay things will become okay. Don’t worry, wait what floor was she on?”
“The fifth floor.” Liz said.
“Okay, then you still need to have hope. She could have found out soon enough that she was able to get out safely.” Mrs. Periwinkle stated hopefully.
The phone rang loudly. “I have to go get that call. But I’ll be right back.” Mrs. Periwinkle told Liz.
“Okay…….. Yes, I can do that; she’ll be right down.” She hung up. “Liz you need to go down stairs, it’s important.” Mrs. Periwinkle was hopeful.
“Okay.” Liz said trying not to cry.
A couple of minutes later, she got down stairs and to the office, without running into anything.
“Hey Liz.” A familiar voice said.
“Mommy!” Liz ran to her now crying with happy tears instead of her being sad.
“This awesome! However, can we go home now?” Liz said hopefully.
“Oh course we can!” her mother said happily.
“I thought my day was really weird when I accidentally went into the boy’s bathroom!” Liz stated.
And that is how Liz’s life was changed forever and she will never forget that day. No one else will forget that day either.


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