Juan The Great | Teen Ink

Juan The Great

October 12, 2015
By Xx_Sergio_xX BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Xx_Sergio_xX BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Juan awoke from sleeping in his apartment, the sun rose high in the sky. His alarm rang BEEP BEEP BEEP. As he woke up he realized he set his alarm at the wrong hour as he raced out of bed, he picked the closest clothes near him. He raced to get dressed ran down the stairs to get his coffee. He gulped it down and ran to his truck then realized he forgot his keys so he ran to get them and drove to work. As he was driving to work he was wondering what his boss would say. When he got to work he was scared that he might get fired.     


      when he got to work he when he got to work. As soon as he got to work,   his boss was waiting for him. He looked furious with him.       "Juan I am very upset with you" "I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again," said Juan
"no no, don't make a promise that you can't keep" said Juan's boss "I'm gonna have to let you go" PLEASE NO I PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN I WON'T BE LATE ANY MORE!" Juan yelled "It's not that Juan, you've been slacking lately" "But I won't any more I promise I'll work harder and get to work on time"said Juan desperately "what did I say about making promises that you won't keep"said Juan's boss furiously "but I will keep the promise" said Juan "ok fine I'll give you ONE more chance but that's all then you're gone" "oh thank you so much you won't regret this"said Juan he raced out of his boss's office and got straight to work Juan raced out of his boss's office and got straight to work. As he was working he was wondering why his boss said he was slacking he did admit that he hasn't been working as hard as he use to when he was almost done he took a little break when he saw his boss he raced to get back to work so his boss wouldn't  think he's  slacking. When his boss saw Juan working hard he told him to take a brake Juan was realized because Juan was exhausted Juan said "thank you I am exhausted" "then go home" Juan's boss said "really" Juan said with shock "yes you have been working so hard" so Juan got in his truck and drove home when he got home he didn't even bother to take off his shoes he just went straight to bed when he woke up his alarm didn't go off he had five minutes to get ready he reads out of bed didn't even bother to put on any clean clothes he just ran out of bed got his keys sprinted down the stairs and got in his truck he was on minute late his boss was there waiting for him "I'm sorry I was late" Juan said in sorrow "it's just one minute relax I'm not going to fire you" Juan's boss said "oh thanks you"Juan said "but if it happens again you're fired" Juan's boss said as he was working he was worried that he might be late again tomorrow as soon as he got home he went to sleep he didn't want to go to bed to late and over sleep when he woke up he woke up on time he had an hour to get read so he put on clean clothes and made himself some coffee when he left he got in his truck but it didn't turn on he tried and tried but his truck didn't turn on he was scared that he was gone be late and be fired when his truck finally tired on he drove to work when he got there he was ten minutes late and his boss was waiting for him he looked disappointed "Juan you're fired" "what my truck wouldn't turn on"Juan said "no excuses" Juan's boss said yelling "just go home Juan" "ok" Juan said sadly when Juan got home he just layed in bed when he got a phone call "hello" "Juan you have to come back to work" Juan's boss said "but you fired me" 

"just get over here" Juan's boss said.
Juan raced out of bed got in his truck, and drove to work. When he got to work he didn't know what the problem was "Juan I'm glad you’re here" Juan's boss said "

what's the problem no one's doing anything?" "Exactly that's the problem everyone here is slacking and they won't listen to me""ok I'll knock some sense into them" "everyone get back to work don't make me come over there" suddenly everyone got back to work "thanks Juan" "no problem so can I have my job back?" "Yes and I'll give u a raise. 

Juan The Great
As Juan awoke from sleeping in his apartment, the sun rose high in the sky. His alarm rang BEEP BEEP BEEP. As he woke up he realized he set his alarm at the wrong hour as he raced out of bed, he picked the closest clothes near him. He raced to get dressed ran down the stairs to get his coffee. He gulped it down and ran to his truck then realized he forgot his keys so he ran to get them and drove to work. As he was driving to work he was wondering what his boss would say. When he got to work he was scared that he might get fired.           when he got to work he when he got to work. As soon as he got to work,   his boss was waiting for him. He looked furious with him.       "Juan I am very upset with you" "I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again," said Juan

"no no, don't make a promise that you can't keep" said Juan's boss "I'm gonna have to let you go" PLEASE NO I PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN I WON'T BE LATE ANY MORE!" Juan yelled "It's not that Juan, you've been slacking lately" "But I won't any more I promise I'll work harder and get to work on time"said Juan desperately "what did I say about making promises that you won't keep"said Juan's boss furiously "but I will keep the promise" said Juan "ok fine I'll give you ONE more chance but that's all then you're gone" "oh thank you so much you won't regret this"said Juan he raced out of his boss's office and got straight to work Juan raced out of his boss's office and got straight to work. As he was working he was wondering why his boss said he was slacking he did admit that he hasn't been working as hard as he use to when he was almost done he took a little break when he saw his boss he raced to get back to work so his boss wouldn't  think he's  slacking. When his boss saw Juan working hard he told him to take a brake Juan was realized because Juan was exhausted Juan said "thank you I am exhausted" "then go home" Juan's boss said "really" Juan said with shock "yes you have been working so hard" so Juan got in his truck and drove home when he got home he didn't even bother to take off his shoes he just went straight to bed when he woke up his alarm didn't go off he had five minutes to get ready he reads out of bed didn't even bother to put on any clean clothes he just ran out of bed got his keys sprinted down the stairs and got in his truck he was on minute late his boss was there waiting for him "I'm sorry I was late" Juan said in sorrow "it's just one minute relax I'm not going to fire you" Juan's boss said "oh thanks you"Juan said "but if it happens again you're fired" Juan's boss said as he was working he was worried that he might be late again tomorrow as soon as he got home he went to sleep he didn't want to go to bed to late and over sleep when he woke up he woke up on time he had an hour to get read so he put on clean clothes and made himself some coffee when he left he got in his truck but it didn't turn on he tried and tried but his truck didn't turn on he was scared that he was gone be late and be fired when his truck finally tired on he drove to work when he got there he was ten minutes late and his boss was waiting for him he looked disappointed "Juan you're fired" "what my truck wouldn't turn on"Juan said "no excuses" Juan's boss said yelling "just go home Juan" "ok" Juan said sadly when Juan got home he just layed in bed when he got a phone call "hello" "Juan you have to come back to work" Juan's boss said "but you fired me" 

"just get over here" Juan's boss said.

Juan raced out of bed got in his truck, and drove to work. When he got to work he didn't know what the problem was "Juan I'm glad you’re here" Juan's boss said "

what's the problem no one's doing anything?" "Exactly that's the problem everyone here is slacking and they won't listen to me""ok I'll knock some sense into them" "everyone get back to work don't make me come over there" suddenly everyone got back to work "thanks Juan" "no problem so can I have my job back?" "Yes and I'll give u a raise.

The author's comments:

I hope people will learn to aprechate what they have.

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