Being Used | Teen Ink

Being Used

October 14, 2015
By alica.g BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
alica.g BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

28 August 2015
Being Used.
It’s the first day of school. Shelby is in the 11th grade. She goes to Walnut-creek high school in Tennessee. The town is walnut-creek. It is very small and is between the towns of Columbia and Mount Pleasant.  She is super nerves. But she gets ready for school anyways. First she took a shower using her favorite body wash vanilla bean. She says it makes her smell like delicious ice cream all day long. She also washes her hair with a strawberry shampoo and conditioner. After she is out of the shower she brushes her teeth for exactly one minute. Her mom knocks on the door and says hurry Shelby you don’t want to be late on the first day. She is always a happy person. She lives doing her dream. Her dream is to live on a farm or ranch and she does. They have 10 horses and 20 chickens. Also they have 1 cow.
Shelby loves to ride her horses. Her favorite one is white with black poke a dots. The horses name is Gracie. Gracie was Shelby’s dad’s horse. Her dad died when she was 4 years old. He had leukemia cancer. Leukemia is a cancer that is in the blood. His name was Shawn Ralynne. Shelby had a very strong connection with her dad when she was little. That is why she is so connected to his horse.
After Shelby brushes her teeth she does her hair. Her hair is super long almost past her hips. She flips her head down and starts to twist her hair. Then she outs her head up and twists the twist around itself to make a bun. She put a head band on that matches her outfit. She is wearing a purple and blue dress. It’s kind of a floral pattern. She also is wearing her favorite flats to go with her dress. Next she does her makeup. A very simple-natural look. She gathers all her things and heads for the door. She unlocks her truck and gets in. she starts the car and goes to pick up her best friend Lily Compton. Lily has not passed her driver’s test yet but Shelby has been helping her. Lily plugs up her phone in the truck and puts on music.
They had not realized that they have 1st period together. Dance with Ms. Rachel. Shelby had her last year to. She loves to dance hip pop and she is a ballet.  The next period Shelby has is science with Mr. Short. They have a project that has to do with the metric system. The teacher asked everyone to have a partner. Shelby’s partner is Luke. He is not the smarts person but there was no one else. For their project they are don’t a PowerPoint. They will not have to present this in front of the class but there will be individual grades. Shelby gives Luke her number. And she thinks I’m going to end up doing all the work. And she was right. Luke had other plan. He’s plan was to sit there and do nothing. And to partner up with Shelby because he knew that she was very smart. Shelby asks Luke to be at her house at 6 pm so they can start the project.
Its 6:05 and Luke is still not at her house. Shelby calls Luke and asks him why he is not here. He said that he forgot he had plan with the family. So Shelby started to work on it. That night Shelby got half the project done.  The next day at school she asked Luke when he can come over. Of if she had to go to his house.
He said, “Tonight actually.”
She said, “Ok great, what time will you be over”.
“I should be over at 6pm”, He said.
It 6:20 and there again he’s not there. Shelby finishes the project because it’s due the next day. But she only puts her name on it. The next day Luke is not at school, but Shelby still turned in the project.
The teacher asked Shelby if he was a good partner she said “no I did all the work. He did not touch the computer once.” The teacher was frustrated. But he knows that Shelby learned a lesson from this. Shelby had learned to pick a partner that is not going to use her. The next day Mr. Short yelled at Luke for not helping Shelby with all the work. He had to the same project over but by himself. And from then on Shelby never let people use her again.

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