The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

October 14, 2015
By sydneya2000 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
sydneya2000 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was drop-dead gorgeous. The kind of girl you envied. Her

slick-straight hair, her pink tinted cheeks, and her adequate layer of chapped lips made her look artifical. But she was real, inside and out. When she talked, the world stopped.  She was outgoing and spontaneous but could be genuine and serious when the right time called for it. Her olive skin and lean body made her a magnet for guys. Flaws were unknown to her, simply because she didn't have any. She ran up to her boyfriend. Their fingers interlocked, their smiles ran from ear to ear, and she was agog for a kiss. Of course, he was eager to deliever. In her lifetime, she'd been through a lot. Her parents died when she was two and she has been living in a foster home since. She deserved every opportunity thrown her way. She was happy, to some degre, but she was an orphan at the end of the day. Why is it that people that deserve the world get the worst? There will never be an explanation for this question as long as we live. Simply, because everyone is stumped.

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