The Life of Me | Teen Ink

The Life of Me

October 16, 2015
By cohon BRONZE, Somervillew, Ohio
cohon BRONZE, Somervillew, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

15 October 2015
        The Life of Me
The playground in the middle of town made everything seem lonelier at night. The dreams of children sqeeked in the air as the Merry-go-round spun slowly because the cool breeze from the North. The breeze always came from the North starting in November which always made the air crisp and almost hurt to breathe in Ohio. I had just been kicked out of my fourth school in the last two years and I was standing in the middle of my hometown, Oxford Ohio. I had to go somewhere for a while so that my parents wouldn’t find out for a while(until I got enrolled into a new school at least) so I was looking for a place to hang out and hopefully spend a few nights in.
I had a few options in mind at the time but they all were rather not rational and hard so I tried to pick the best decision for this situation that I had on hand. The one I ended up going with was to go into Mcdonald’s and fall asleep the first night and then go to my friend Charlie to see if he could hook me up with a place to stay for another two days after that. So I walked into Mcdonald's at about two in the morning and ordered a coffee and sat down  in the booth in the back corner so that i would most likely be left alone if I ever fell asleep(which I hardly did because I was so stressed at the time) and sat by myself and just thought about everything which a mistake to be completely honest. Doing this made me so overwhelmed.
Once morning came around I went to the closest pay phone, which was actually hard to find, and called up Charlie to see what he was doing and if I could have him do me the huge favor of letting me crash with him for a couple days.
“Hey Charles, this is Colton. How ya doing, buddy?” I said trying to butter him up a bit before I dropped the question on him.
“I’m doing grande, thanks for asking. Are you going to be busy the next two or three nights?”
“Not that I can think of off the top of my head. Why?”
“Well ya see . . .”
“You got kicked out again didn’t you?” Charlie had been my best friend since sixth grade so he knew me like the back of his hand.
All the other times I had been kicked out of different schools Charlie was always the first person I would hit up to see if I could crash with him. “Maybe I did maybe I didn’t…” I said with this sly yet unsure voice. I couldn’t get past Charlie even if I was the best liar in the world.
“Man. what’re you doing Colton?” he said in a disappointed tone. We both knew that if I tried in school I could be in an Ivy league college once I got out of high school. The problem was I didn’t give two s***s about school. I just found it to be a waste of time. Always having to suck up to the teacher and being around a bunch of fake friends really got on my nerves about half way through the year and so I just do something that I know for a fact would get me outta there for sure.
“I just couldn’t take it anymore Charlie, they just were so fake.”
“ It’s just one more year man just deal with it and finish high school on a high note.”
Charlie had always cared about school. He could always do three sports and keep a 4.2 GPA in high school. I only played one sport and I struggled so much because of my lack of effort and carelessness. He cared for me a lot which was a really good feeling because about three people in the world gave two s***s about me, two of which were family. I was looked down upon in my own family because they all knew my potential too just like Charlie did.
After about twenty more minutes of persuading and sweet talk I finally got him to let me crash with him for two nights which I was hoping would be enough until fall break came around. I had forgotten to take a look at the school schedule before I left to see the exact date for when fall break was so I had to take an educated guess that it would be coming up this friday. Charlie had to go to school during the day and wouldn’t be home until about four so I had about eight hours to kill before he would be home so I decided to go shop around and bit and maybe get him a gift for letting me crash with him for a while.
I began to walk down to Walmart which was a bit of a walk but I had the time and I felt like moving a lot so it was good for me anyways. I was hoping no one I knew saw me and asked me why I wasn’t at school. To be completely honest I was a horrible liar. My face would turn a bright red and I couldn’t hold eye contact for very long which was not a very helpful thing in life.
Once I got inside I was feeling thirsty so I bought a drink inside Subway they had inside the building which I had forgot about. It had been forever since I had been to Oxford because as soon as I had been kicked out of one school I had to move on right to the next one without even coming home. I was homesick a lot nowadays.

The author's comments:

This is the first of many short chapter in the life of a young man named Colton and his self journey to find his own meaning of life.

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