Struggles | Teen Ink


October 22, 2015
By Marissa_Gamble BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
Marissa_Gamble BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life struggles can be very hard. Have you ever faced any of these? They can be very hurtful or they can even make you better at the things that you have never really been good at doing. Honestly I have faced many of these struggles.
     My family has all different struggles in it. For example, it’s hard to even think about my mom going out in the world and risking her life for other people. As many of yall know my mom is a police officer. My stepdad is a truck driver. He’s home maybe once or twice a week.
I have three brothers that do not mind at all. Struggles are really hard sometimes.
      Sometimes even going out into the real world can be a struggle. For example, getting up in the mornings or even knowing you could have a car wreck.
     Everyday of the week  there is always at least one struggle you face or sometimes multiple.
My school life has many struggles too. There can be reasons like always getting in trouble, or having to be pulled from class to be helped with work. At many public schools there is judging. This can be very harmful to kids minds. If you always get made fun of you could think you are no good for anything.
     Personally, I have always wanted to be homeschooled ,because if you are doing bad in school nobody would ever know.
     Playing sports could have a lot of struggles in it. For example, not being able to hit the ball or not being able to run bases really good is a very big struggle these days.
      My future life is going to be filled with struggles. I want to go to collage to be a nurse. From my family I have heard that you have to go to school for a good while. Maybe like 6 years.
      Some struggles are very hard to get over and some are very easy to get over.

The author's comments:

Some struggles are really hard

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