Summer Thirteen | Teen Ink

Summer Thirteen

October 22, 2015
By madison_rooker03 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
madison_rooker03 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So, it’s the last day of school, May 25, 2015, and its 3:14 and school ends at  3:15 , and our class is counting down 5...4...3...2..1 and the bell rang. So I was walking to my bus and my friend Maddie told me she was going on a vacation to Florida in two weeks and she was allowed to invite somebody and she had to chose between me and our friend Jasleigh. She told me she wanted both of us to go so I told her to ask her mom so we went to her house and asked her mom and her mom said no because her older brother was inviting his girlfriend so Maddie was really upset that she had to chose me or Jasleigh so she asked her mom if she could stay at my house while her family was in Florida and her mom said yes so we walked to my house and ask my mom if she could stay at our house because her family is going on a vacation for a week, my mom said no so we were both mad at our parents. It was finally time for her family to go to Florida and our parents got together and discussed some things and our parents decided that we could all go to Florida together. Maddie and I were so happy but, we were upset that Jasleigh could not go, but she understood. So that night my family and I were packing for the trip. That morning we left for Florida and I rode there with Maddie and we fell asleep and the next thing we knew our car was in a ditch and there was blood on my forehead, I started freaking out because I did not have anyway to contact my parents. I looked over at Maddie and she was crying and scared, a few seconds later we heard sirens, that meant the cops were there. A few hours later we got the news that her dad had passed away in the car wreck and her mom had broken her neck and Maddie was really upset, and she was acting different ever since. She had no one to live with because her mom had to live at a hospital for the rest of her life and her grandparents had passed away two years ago. Maddie and I had an amazing idea that Maddie can live with me and my mom could adopt her. I asked my mom when we got home from the hospital if she could, my mom said yes and Maddie was a little bit happier than she was.
     It’s been about a month since the accident. Maddie is a lot better then she was before. My mom and dad are taking Maddie and I to the mall this afternoon so we can meet Maddie’s favorite author “S.E Hinton”. When we got there we went to the photo booth and took pictures because that’s what we do every time we go to the mall.                                                                                                    About a month later it was almost time for school to start and summer to be over. We had to go school shopping together and all that kinds of stuff, then we went to visit her mom at the hospital and her mom was in really bad condition, I felt really bad.
     It is finally the first day of school, we have to say that Summer Thirteen was the best summer ever “the teenage years”.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because i wanted to write about something that is sad and happy and also write about my bestfriends.

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