The Love Mystery | Teen Ink

The Love Mystery

October 22, 2015
By asmith20 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
asmith20 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    One evening I was walking around the park then suddenly I hear a noise in the woods I quickly look over and see nothing ,in curiosity I want to go into the woods, but I don’t ‘think what if I get get hurt or even lost?’ but I go anyways to see what it might have been, as I walk closer and closer. There was nothing there.’’I guess what ever it was it had ran off’’. it sounded big and mean, it had startled me. As I ran back I thought could it be a bear, or deer, or even a tiger.

     When I got home I ran inside and went to mom and dad to tell them what had happened at the park after I had told them what happened at the park they were devastated and told the rest of my family they were devastated as well so the next day they took her to the park were this incident had happened and her mom and dad made her show then were this and they would this it would be gone but no as soon as they started looking around they went a little ways into the forest and heard a noise it was something its… its black, its little OMG!!!!!!! its a baby bear what shall we do ‘ leave it save it and take it to the zoo but what if its mom comes back and hurts us’ we shall save it and take it to the zoo

As we were going to take the bear to the zoo I thought ‘ we should have left the baby for its mom to come back for it ,but i think it might be better for it at the zoo than out in the wild because it could have gotten shot or something bad could have happened to it but at the zoo it has a better chance of live a having a better life it could start a new family and be happy were it is’ and now that i think about it i was a good decision to take it in stead of living it’ 

The following day me mom dad and the family went to the zoo to see how the bear was.Turns out the bear seemed really happy were it was than what it looked out in the woods the family was happy that they saved a life of an animal that could soon be extinct animal soon or later.

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