The Best Day Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Day Ever

November 11, 2015
By Anonymous

I have always loved and adored dogs. Everything I know about dogs can be summed up in one sentence: They were beautiful, loyal, and loving companions. Every day, I bugged my parents about getting one. And they finally said yes.
I was so excited! I kept jumping around the house and daydreaming about coming home to a cute dog. I started searching the web for local shelters and rescue dogs because I firmly believed we should get rescues.
Two weeks had passed and it felt like the longest time ever. I still couldn’t find a dog that I wanted-a golden retriever. Then, on the third week, I discovered Abigail and Robert. They were siblings and golden retrievers. They both were young and playful. I started to dream about coming home to not one dog, but two! Suddenly, my spirits sank as I thought, “Wait, the website said that they were to be adopted together. My parents would never let me adopt two dogs.” When my parents came back, I showed them the picture of Abigail and Robert and they looked at each other, sending the invisible parent vibes. I looked at them back and forth, trying to read what they were telepathically saying. Finally, my dad spoke up and said, “You wanna call them now or later?” I squealed so loud that the my parents plugged their ears.
Five days later, the foster mom called and told us that they both already got adopted by a couple that owned a company so they can bring them to work.
I was so sad that I didn’t bother looking for dogs for a month. On Saturday, my best friend who everybody loved and who felt like a sister to me, Ashley, said, “No biggie. Just a minor setback.” I didn’t reply, still feeling sorry for myself, and played with my fingers. “Come on. You can do it. After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I felt better as she made the song reference as we always do and wrapped Ashley in a bone-crushing hug. We both went online ,and soon, we found Jade.
Jade was beautiful little girl with soft, golden fur and bright, playful eyes. The description said that she was two years old and everybody, my mom, dad, and I, thought she was so cute. We asked the foster parent if we could get in line to adopt her and she said yes; We were third in line.
A few weeks passed and my parents, Ashley, and I were in the car going to the Target, a grocery store, when the phone rang. Ashley came with us since we were going to have a sleepover. We parked and my mom picked up the phone. I heard a lady’s voice. It was a very feminine voice and she sounded sorry. My mom said, “Oh, ok….. Thank you for notifying us.” I was starting to get worried, my mom only uses that voice when she’s annoyed or frustrated. She turned off the phone, looked at me, and said, “Jade got adopted by somebody behind us. It was a couple who owned their own business so they can bring Jade to work.” I was really exasperated and frustrated, Uhhh, I bet it was the same people last time, I thought. We dropped Ashley off and the rest of the trip was in silence.
When we got home, my mom went online to check the websites again while I went to my room. “Why can’t I ever get a dog?” I asked myself miserably. Then, I heard my mom scream from across the room, “Honey, come look!” I ran over to the living room where my mom was and looked at the screen. It was a beautiful yellow lab named Buddy. My mom said that she asked the foster parent for a meeting.
The next Saturday, we got to meet Buddy and his really pretty foster owner, Lillian.  As I got out of the car, I thought, “ What if I never got dog?” When I saw Buddy, I felt like he was the cutest dog ever. After talking with the Lillian, she asked me, “ Why do you want a dog?” This caught me off guard. I took me a second to think about it when I finally replied,” Because I want somebody I can talk to and who will never laugh at me.” Lillian looked me square in the eye and said, “ If you want him, you can adopt him.“ Finally, I have a dog and I never have been more happy in my life as Ashley and I took Buddy for a walk for the first time ever. The best day ever.

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